Thursday, March 20, 2014

First day of spring--- first day of spring! I love that is the first day of spring. Just being able to say that brightens up the morning. The fact that it is also a beautiful, although cool morning, is icing on the weather cake.

I had a really good class yesterday although I only stayed for the morning half. It was a class on building a meaningful worship service. And, while I enjoyed the presented concepts, --- I only stayed for the morning part because I know in reality that the ideas presented would never fly in either of our two congregations. The dogma and tradition are simply too entrenched to envision or accept a new and modern style of worship service.

The back yard is full of bird song this morning. There are lots of the smaller birds here today. The Junkos, the House Finches, Sparrows, Goldfinches, as well as a Pilated Woodpecker and a couple of Downy Woodpeckers are all eating at the buffet. The fuzzy tailed rat gang is all here too. What they don't know is that Julie is dropping off the dogs tomorrow for a week while she goes on a business trip. We'll see who gives up the chase game first --- dogs or squirrels. As a minimum it will be a week of aggravation for the squirrels. And there is nothing wrong with that.

We have chores to do today. I need to go up to the church and run the bulletins. We need to go get a bag of black oil sunflower seed and a new feeder. We need to go to Target and maybe even Rural King just on principle because who knows what is out there that I can't live without. And of course, I have writing to do too at some point. That often gets put off until evening or even late at night. It is amazing how much time it takes me to put together a worship service and sermon every week. My sermons only run about 15 minutes. I can't imagine what these pastors do that go on for 45 - 60 minutes. But I spend a lot of times looking things up and trying to find good interpretation of the scriptures I'm using. Admittedly, I get easily off track and just keep reading beyond what I need; but there is some good reading out there and somebody put a lot of work into writing it.

I don't know how one could look at the beauty of a day like we are having today without acknowedging the wonder of God's grace and love. Scientists this week are all excited becasuse they have yet another explantion for "the big bang" that they say began the earth. Alledgedly the explosion occured at about twice or more than lightspeed. Well, duh!!! What they maybe discovered, is a hundreth of the power of God. We people of faith have been knowing that forever. Silly scientists!

Be kind to people today. Share your blessings. God doesn't give them to you to hoard and be selfish with them. Have a blessed day, --- I know I will.

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