Saturday, May 31, 2014

What a great Saturday morning. It is 71°, the sun is shining, the yard is mowed, the feeders are all filled as are the birdbaths, the birds are singinging from all directions and we got a great rain yesterday that watered the garden and the flowers! On top of all that --- there's coffee in my cup and peace in my soul. "Coffee in my cup -- and Peace in my Soul"; that would make a good song title for a good country/Christian song writer. Or --- maybe a title for another book on positivity from a certain oldest daughter of mine, not mentioning any names. (Call me if you want to collaborate)

My Pilated Woodpecker is back this morning gobbling up the bark butter. It is huge. I'll need to check my bird book because this one looks a bit different. It has the size of a Pilated but it doesn't have the same coloring. It is much darker in color than usual. Normally they announce their arrival ahead of time but this one just flew in, attached itself to a limb and started eating. And --- it didn't take any crap from the Starlings who tried to hone in on that feeder either.

Since God leveled off the birdbaths yesterday with the rain, the Blackbirds and the Robins are both happy this morning and have been splishing and splashing out there for their Saturday baths. I had a squirrel out there this morning that seemed to be having a hard time getting the sunflower seed and hanging on to the feeder at the same time. It also seemed to be getting its seed from half way up the feeder. My curiosity got the best of me. Well, the feeder is a plastic one and does in fact have a small hole in it. (Not all of my BB gun shots go where go where intended.) Anyway that squirrel was trying to get its seed from that hole instead of the opening that was an inch and a half lower. It was a very humanistic thing to do actually. We humans get ourselves focused on doing things our way, thereby often slipping and falling and accomplishing nothing, -- rather than letting God take the lead and putting us to  the source of nourishiment that God has waiting for us.

My prayers this morning go out for a parishioner and family who is facing the final weeks or days with her mother. I had a text last evening that they were calling in hospice because her mother was deteriorating much faster than expected. I ask God to lay his arms around the family and to give them strength as they walk the  dark road
 My prayers also continue to go up for my brother-in-law and my sister. He got his results back from his oncologists testing this week and there were no good reports to be given. It gives us all heavy hearts. But --- they are mentally putting themselves on a five year plan and if they are, --- then I'm walking that road with them. "Coffee in my cup -- and Peace in my Soul"; its the perfect mantra for them and us.

I must now go fill my cup once again and check on Ms. Kate to see if she is ready for a refill. Have a wonderfull weekend.

1 comment:

  1. If I ever get off my duff and start writing again- I will at least name a chapter "Coffee in My cup and Peace in my Soul" LOL
