I missed another day of blogging yesterday. However, I refuse to take the blame and instead pass it off to Time Warner Cable. We were without cable and internet connection for hours yesterday. It is amazing how our worlds can crash to a halt with the loss of the internet and a rainy day. What kind of creatures have we become?
It is a chilly 43° this morning. The sun is shining brightly but I don't think it is supposed to get above the upper sixties today again. For the middle of May in southern Indiana, that is down right chilly. I think we are having what folks often call a "Dogwood Winter". That's when a cold snap hits when it is late enough in the spring the the Dogwood trees either are in bloom or have already bloomed.
I got the yards mowed yesterday afternoon. I had to wait until the grass dried out. Then it showered again last night. Enough of the rain already, Lord. How about sending the rain out west so it can put out the raging wilfires. They could really use it about now. Of course, I shouldn't complain. Everything is lush and green and beautiful.
I need to go get a new battery for my truck first thing today. Maybe we'll go to Sam's. That way we can also go by Wildbirds Unlimited and pick up what I need. I still need to get suet cakes and a container or two of bark butters, as well as a couple of seedcakes. My black oil sunflower seed container is getting low too. That's stop at a different pet food place.
Sheila and Byron are down this weekend again. They are dowsizing their home and have an auctioneer that they like to use down here. We are supposed to meet them for supper this evening at Max and Erma's on the casino boat. I think Byron had yet another chemo infusion yesterday. I hope he feels well enough to get around today. My prayers are with them both.
Speaking of prayers, it is time to once again take stock of my blessings and give thanks and praise to God for them. My life is rich and full and I have no needs. How many people in this world can honestly say that? Sure, I have things that I want, --- but all my needs are met. As the 23rd Psalm says, "my cup runs over."
Have a wonderful day. Mine already has been.
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