If God wants to give you a sweet blessing in the morning, is there a better one than having a young bunny rabbit sit there and look at you through the glass door, not five feet away? How sweet is that?
I went out and cleaned out all of the bird baths first thing this morning. They were full of flower petals from the tulip poplar trees, and were turning the water rancid. It took less than five minutes for the first Robin to fly in for a bath and splash a whole bunch of the fresh water back out. We saw it out there last evening wanting to take a bath but there was just too much stuff in the water. So, it just sat there as flipped us the human!
I also topped off the bark butter feeders again this morning. Between the Woodpeckers, Starlings, Mockingbirds and Bluejays, those feeders get emptied rather quickly. At least my nocturnal creatures, the raccoon and opposum, have quit carrying the feeders off for me to find.
The weather prediction for today is windy, warm, muggy and a slight chance of severe storms. So, we've closed up the house and turned on the air conditioner. My asthma thanks me.
The yard continues to transition as summer comes closer. The iris are in full bloom as are the peonies. The trees are done blooming with exception of the honey locust tree. We smell them as we drive along the highway. It is a wonderful smell especially when combined with the honeysuckle, which is also blooming now. Our knockout roses are in full bloom as are all of the roses on the south side of the house. These will now bloom all summer long. God's world just continues to be beautiful.
I have a parishioner having surgery today at a hospital way out of town. My prayers for recovery are with him. This is second go around so I pray it will be successful this time. I also share prayers of concern that should we have storms this afternoon, that they won't cause damage or injury. We have had so much of that happen this spring and people in various parts of the country are still trying to recover from weather disasters from several years back. And --- as always, I give God praise and thanks for my abundance of blessings. My life is good and my soul is is at peace. There is nothing more I could want.
I pray that you too will havea most blessed day. Open your heart and let the Son shine through you.
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