Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mr. Fuss-a-lot, the blue jay has been making a racket this morning. I have no idea what that is all about. He's been in and out of here several times and each time he comes in doing his screeching and whining thing, Maybe he is looking or a girlfriend, or may he is a she (I can't tell the difference) and is looking for a boyfriend.

The robins are in this morning for the full spa experience; breakfast and aa bath. I have four of them hopping around in the yard this morning. And I have three or four black bird still gathering up straw and flying of with it to build a nest somewhere. The cardinals, junkos, goldfinches, and wrens are all here this morning too as well as two squirrels that are hogging up wo of the feeders. I'll need to fill the bird baths again this morning. The water is getting low in them. I've unplugged the electric one because I think any chance of the water freezing over has passed.

It is a cool day again today and cloudy. I may mow the lawns today. They aren't bad but the onions are getting tall again. I just don't want the yard to look shaggy. I used to say you weren't supposed to mow until after Easter, that way the Easter bunny had a place to leave the eggs. Gosh, I remember as a kid we used to collect grass and stuff and build Easter Egg nesting spots for the bunny. But, we don't have kids or grandkids for the bunny to come see anymore so I reckon it doesn't matter when I mow. I guess it is close enough to Easter. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday.

It is going to seem strange not having the Easter Season worship services to plan for this year. I've always bought Palms for the kids at church on Palm Sunday and in years that I had confirmands, tomorrow woud have been examination Sunday and next week woud be Confirmation Sunday. My only involvement this year will be singing with the choir for the Cantata at the Easter morning Sunrise Service.

I have a battle royale going on in the backyard at the moment. There was a squirrel on one of the feeders and another squirrel dared to climb the pole to try to get on the feeder too. That launched a mad chase around and around the yard and over the fence to the next yard and back to my yard up and down the trees. One of them is finally back but is sitting there in the firebush looking everywhere to make sure the territory is clear. It is funny as heck.

So, my day is off to a good tart. It is now time for another cup of coffee and a piece of coconut meringue pie for breakfast. I hope you have a blessed weekend. Peace.

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