Saturday, April 8, 2017

It would be hard to find a better way to start a Saturday than with a warm cup of coffee, a beautiful sunny morning and a pair of bluebirds on my feeder. It does make for an awesome start to the day. All I can say is "thank you" to God for a blessed start to my day.

The robins are hopping around the yard, the starlings are here trying to intimidate the red headed Woodpecker in to giving up the feeder and it isn't going well for them. The brilliant yellow of the Goldfinch shining in the sun makes it clearly visible all the way across the yard. The downy Woodpecker and the Wren are taking turns on one of the seedcake cylinders, and Mr. Fuss-a-lot, the bluejay is trying to hang on to a micro- sized twig to eat off of the bark butter stick. The only ones missing are the cardinals right now but several of them were here a little earlier and they will be back shortly. It does bring me joy to sit here and watch them all.

Julie and the pups are coming over this morning and will spend the night. Jim is staying home to take care of his yard today. She wants for her and Ms. Kate to go to do some shopping at a craft store or two today. I think I'll pass on that and stay home with her dogs.

I want to maybe mow today too. I was really aggravated yesterday afternoon when I got on the little JD to do the back yard and the brand new battery was dead. I can't imagine why that would be. It was only used once. I put the new trickle charger on it last night so we will see how it goes this morning. Hopefully it willl start right up and stay charged because I know nothing about mechanics, and our local JD dealer is slow as molasses on getting anything worked on. The fact that they are the only JD dealer close seems to give them the attitude that don't need to care about customer service. Maybe they treat the farmers and guys with the actual tractors and rigs differently. I would hope so. If a guy is buying a piece of equipment that costs well over a half million dollars, they should be given respect.

We haven't decided yet what we are going to do about church tomorrow and it is Palm Sunday. At most UCC churches in the area that means Confirmation Sunday. So, we may head to the Crossroads Christian. Or, maybe we will pass.

Time for me to get busy. Ms. Kate wants to run to the post office and mail the grandkids Easter Cards. So, I pray your day will be a sunny one and full of God's blessings. Peace.

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