Rain, thunderstorms, and 52 degrees at the moment. It has rained most of the night and morning so far although we are in a bit of a lull right now. But there is more to come throughout the day. The daffodils are drooping their heads so their little cups don't fill up, and the rain is knocking a lot of blossoms off of the trees too. Ms. Margaret's Flowering Crabapple tree is really blooming now. I can't get over how much that tree has grown since we moved here fifteen years ago. But, I'm also glad she has the tree and I can just look at it and don't have to clean up after it. It has at least doubled in size. Outside of Ms. Kate's offfice window e have a volunteer Redbud tree that is also blooming beautifully. It came up four years ago or so and since it wasn't in a location to bother anything I just let it grow. It has turned into a really nice tree.
We didn't get to the churches yesterday. It was a nice day and we didn't feel like driving up to Ft. Branch. Instead, I got some good writing done. So this morning we'll head on up to the churches and take care of business and then Ms. Kate has several places she wants to go for some shopping. Hopefully we can get it all in and done before the storms hit this afternoon.
This morning I have mostly doves, cardinals, and a woodpecker for my guests now that the rain has stopped for a bit. I like having my doves around here. They just kind of waddle peacefully around the yard or they sit up in the tree doing their cooing. They are very in-intrusive birds except during mating season. Then the males come in and they puff themselves all up and they chase the females all over the yard literally right on their tail. When they find a female they are interested in, they run after them with every move. I'd think it would drive the females nuts. But --- I guess when the season is right --- ya' gotta' do what ya' gotta' do.
I went to my churrch's local Tri-State Association cabinet meeting last night. Back before Christmas I had agreed to fill a vacancy as the Vice President of the Association until mid May when re-elections were heard. The biggest problem I have is that the Vice President is the one who has to head up the nomination committe. I found takers for five of my seven upcoming open positions, but trying to find someone to take a secretary or Vice- President position is proving hard to do. I will not good for re-election for a three year term because bureaucracy is among my top ten most disliked things in the world. But, I was given a list of "possibles" last night to contact. We'll see what happens. All Jesus had to do was walk up to twelve different guys and say "Follow me" and they left their day jobs and went off with him. I have 35 ordained clergy to chose from and can't get a one to say "yes" to being VP. And we have about 2500 members of the Evansville Tri-State Association and I can't find one to say yes to being secretary.
The rain appears to be holding off so I better get out of my chair in and to my jeans and get busy. I hope you have a most blessed day full of God's goodness and grace.
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