The rain continues this morning. None of it has been really hard down pours but rather a steady "spring-rain" and the temperature is staying around sixty degrees. It is supposed to continue like this for the remainder of the day on and off. But, my brown yard is turning a dark green, at least in the back. My front yard is planted in Zoyza grass and still look like a brown carpet out there. When we first bought this home back in 2001 there was only a small patch of Zoyza out there in the front but it has taken over in the past fifteen years. And, it is a good healthy grass so I have no complaints. Neighbor Dan has the same thing across the street and perhaps that is where it got started some how.
Two squirrels are about it for visitors this morning at the buffet table. One is on a feeder and one is eating off of the ground. It tried to climb a feeder pole but the pole was too wet and it couldn't make it. I have no doubt it will try again and if it can't make it. Then --- it will simply move on to another feeder. There are plenty to chose from and they are all full. But --- the birds are coming and going. I have lots of cardinals as usual and they are acting strange. I don't know if it is time to do a little Cardinal hanky panky or establish territory or what but the males are challenging one another everywhere they go. And my pair of robins are back again so I suspect there will new robin's nests being built on the "S" curves of the downspouts very soon. Springtime is "twitterpatting" time for the for the birds; to use and expression from the Bambi movie.
I'm sitting here listening to my Andrew Rieu album again. It is his movie theme CD and I love it because I have seen many of the movies that the songs come from. My favorite one on the album though is the John Dunbar Theme from the movie "Dances With Wolves". Every time I hear the song I immediately can picture the peaceful scene of the open Dakota prairie as he rides through it to where his post is supposed to be. I haven't watched that movie in a long time, in fact I don't know that we even have the CD of it. But, I may have to try and find it and watch it again. It is a long one as most of Kevin Costner's movies are. But it is worth the time it takes to watch it.
I think today Ms. Kate and I are going to get started on our taxes. We can't keep putting it off. I'm also doing my mother's taxes and I got started on that yesterday by making calls to places that I need information from. Once I have all of that information in, I will hand her stuff over to the tax accountant that she always used. But, Ms. Kate and I have used Turbo Tax for our taxes for the past few years. It works pretty well for us.
My second cup of coffee is about gone, my breakfast that Ms. Kate fixed for me is gone, and my CD is almost over so I guess I better get busy. I could easily sit here all day and watch the rain and the critters in the back yard. It is addictive. I don't know why people would turn to drugs when there are opportunities everywhere to sit and commune with nature and enjoy the peace and beauty that God provides. I pray you will have time to do that at some point today. Peace.
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