Wednesday, March 2, 2016

No thunder this morning. However, I got up at 0400 and took neighbor Dan to the airport and it was snowing just enough to say "Yep, it's snowing alright!" But now it is just a cold grey thirty degree morning. The airport is literally a five minute drive from our house and it is a small regional airport so there isn't a lot of traffic in and out of it. I was probably back home and back in bed before he got all of their bags checked in and made it through security.

I still haven't filled my bird feeders and no body out there is happy with me. I could have done it yesterday after it quit raining but I was busy trying to finish up my sermon for the 13th. Henceforth --- empty feeders again this morning. But today, I will fill them. We are supposed to have rain again tomorrow or tonight sometime and it is still staying in the thirties so they need the energy. Amazingly enough though, the birds are still hanging around and they are still finding plenty of stuff to eat from the ground under the feeders. It isn't like I am starving them; they just need to work a little harder to get what they want. And --- there are some things like suet that I need to go buy.

So today is Wednesday again already. Man, the time does fly by. That of course means that we will spend the entire afternoon and part of the evening at the churches running bulletins and then staying for choir practice. What will I do with my Wednesdays when I retire??

I went to the John Deere dealer again yesterday to look at a new John Deere lawn tractor. It is a silly thing for me to do actually. In reality there is nothing wrong with my JD. Yes, ---it is nine years old and the seat is a little cracked but it runs good and gives me no problems. The newer version of what I have has a much quieter engine and is 18.5 hp verses the 15 hp I currently have and it sits  a bit higher and there is more room between the deck and the mower to work. The new one is not overly expensive, even with the cost of a new snow blade, (all told around $3500.00)  and I have the money to do it. My problem is two fold though; First, I'd be buying something that I really don't need to purchase because while it would be a nice upgrade from what I have ---- it isn't all that much better than what I have. I'd just be scratching my itch to have a new one. Secondly though and maybe my biggest !problem is that the dealer won't  give me anything for mine as a trade-in; and they are downright "snarky" about it  and it honks me off. So --- this is something that I need to think about and maybe even pray about. Or maybe the Lord has already given me the answer and I just don't want to hear it. That happens, ya' know!

My IPad is down tp 19% battery so I need to sign off. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be taking a charge very well. I plugged it in last night and it only went up to 45% by this morning. So, we will see what happens when I plug it in today.

Have a most blessed day. Stay in touch with God. God is waiting to hear from you. Peace.

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