Thursday, March 17, 2016

Another beautiful crisp, cool, breezy Thursday morning. This morning I had not one, but three young rabbits running and hopping around in my back yard. They were helping themselves to all kinds of young shoots of grass and plants. I wonder how long it will be before I see young bunnies at my door looking in again this year. That was always exciting to look forward to last year.  I wonder if these are the three that were born here in my flower bed last year. It's possible I guess. I don't know if they "return home" or not like other animals and birds.

So, -- this morning the squirrels and the rabbits are both running around. The squirrels run and that scares the rabbits. The rabbits run and that scares the squirrels. It's actually quite entertaining In the mean time, the robin is also hopping through the yard but the doves; ---- they just keep waddling around paying no attention to anything that is going on around them. There is far more activity on the ground this morning than there is on the bird feeders. I have some finches and one or two woodpeckers so far. The cardinals will be here soon, of that I have no doubt.

I got through all of my things I had to do yesterday. I have some more running around to do today though and a list of things that I need to get done. Ms. Kate is great a keeping lists of things she needs to do but I'm not. When I don't I either jump from one thing to the next or I forget things. I sometimes think that the longer I'm out of the Air Force, the more unorganized I become. Or perhaps I'm relaxing too much on my time management skills.

The choir sounded wonderful last evening during our cantata rehearsal. We only have one more rehearsal and that will be next Wednesday. They (we) have really worked hard on this and it has come together. This cantata is my favorite of all of the ones that we have done. It is a very passionate cantata and easily evokes a mental image of what is going on in the story being told. It is almost like an opera without characters doing any acting. I pray it will stir the emotions of the Resurrection in the hearts and minds of the congregation like it does me. More importantly though, I hope is pleasing to God and acceptable as our worship of Him.

Well my friends, as enjoyable as it is to sit here and watch critters and birds and flowers and sunshine --- I got to get out of my chair and get busy with today. Before I do though, I have to look around at the beauty of God's creation one more time and just know that God's love and presence is everywhere as in manifested by His creation. Take time today to enjoy what God has done for you. Peace.

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