Saturday, January 25, 2020

Some of mmy favorite guests are here this morning. There are at least a dozen cardinals at the feeders right now and probably a half dozen wrens, although the wrens are so quick and flitty that it is hard to get a count on them. There may only be three but it seems like more. I also have a couple of woodpeckers, a mockingbird, finches and sparrows and a couple of doves. It is a busy place today.

I’m up way too early today for absolutely no reason. Well, truth be told, it’s Ms. Kate’s fault. She turned over in the bed and in the process punched me in the back and it woke me up. I lay there for a few minutes and then checked the clock and it was a decent time to be getting out of the bed. So, here I am. She woke up too a few minutes later and came out and checked on me —- but she went back to bed. I donn’t blame her, we have nothing on the schedule for today and I may just plop the recliner back and have a snooze after awhile myself. I love a lazy day.

Yesterday afternoon we went out to SAM’s to see if they had any office furniture and pick up some stuff that we needed. They didn’t have anything on display. I thought they used to carry desks and stuff but all they had was some chairs. So we took are frozen food home and put it in the freezer and then went to Office Depot to talk to them. I didn’t order anything just yet but I did find a nice comfortable desk chair that was half price so I bought that. Office Depot has a “furniture guy” that allegedly you can contact and he will help with the selections available etc. They don’t have a lot in stock. I took down the web address for them and sent a message last night. But, it is a weekend and I doubt I will hear from him until Monday if in fact the message got through. Somehow, I don’t have a lot of confidence in that process butI’m i no real hurry so I’ll give it a chance. The guy is in Indianapolis and when I put in the advertised web address I ended up on “Linked -In” for the guy and that isn’t what I wanted. So, I sent an email to him at the web address. I’m probably better off just ordering it on line at

So tomorrow is my last Sunday at Zoar and I think I told you that I get to do an infant baptism for my last Sunday. That makes me very happy. I love doing infant baptisms because I love it when parents bring their children to God’s altar for dedication. To me, it is a very special time. I was honored a few years ago to baptism Lauren and Jon, two of my grandchildren. Baptizing them and doing my daughter Heather’s wedding ceremony are the highlights of my ministry career.

It’s refill time for the cup so I’m gone. Have a blessed weekend. Go to your house of worship and take timee to give God glory and thanksgiving. Peace.

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