Friday, January 10, 2020

A light rain is falling this morning; it rains, it stops, it rains, it stops. I think it is supposed to be this way most of the day which makes for a fairly yucky day. The blessing, (I think it is a blessing) is that it is fifty one degrees and what is falling from the sky is not snow. The gulf moisture stream is alive and well and we will be having this until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning we are facing really heavy rain and possibly storms for awhile as this thing passes through. But, we are so much better off than much of the country which is going through some very dangerous, and proven deadly, snow storms.

I don’t have a lot of guests at the Backyard Buffet this morning. Once in awhile if the rain really slows down an occasional titmouse or cardinal comes through and grabs a bite. The squirrels favorite two feeders are empty. (Who’s fault is that ya’ fuzzy tailed rats??) So, they are havig to do some stretching gyrations to get to the others. Of course with the rain, the poles are all slick so it takes several attempts to climb the poles. It’s fun to watch as they jump up, and slide back down.

So, what to do with myself today?? I need to get on the bike and go for a ride to nowhere for about an hour. That will give me about 7.5 miles. Then I reckon, shower, get dressed and probably go downstairs and do a little writing. Or, —- maybe I’ll come back out here to the sun porch and actually just read. I have two Stephen King novels sitting beside my chair that have just been ignored for maybe four months. These are all good options. I could also go sit at my wonderful keyboard and amuse myself for awhile and play some music. I don’t do that near often enough. That thing cost me a lot of money and like so many things, in our lives, we go hot and heavy at it for awhile and then just  kind of get away from it. Unfortunately, I’m guilty of that with my recumbent bike already. I started out riding three days a week for about 5 - 10 miles and now, I’m down to a couple or sometime even only one day a week @ 7.5 miles. Anyway, I have lots of options for this rainy day. What I know for sure is that if I just sit here doing nothing. I’ll end up drifting off to sleep and making no use of my time. That would be no bueno.

It’s Friday and that means the work week is coming to a close. I hope your weekend is filled with joy and love. Do something nice for someone this weekend that isn’t expecting it. It will brighten their day and yours as well. And don’t forget to attend your house of worship. Peace .

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