Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hello rainy Saturday morning! We haven’t seen one of you around since, oh —— last weekend. But, rumor is that you are bringing along your friend, Mr. Winter-cold Weather. I know it is January and it is winter time; but, you could have left that dude up north. We’ve really been enjoying having our friend Lady Mild-Temperature here. Forecasters say we are going to be getting two or three days of bitter cold. Nothing about that sounds remotely like fun.

As I suspected, I have a lot of guests here this morning despite the rain. I have lots of cardinals, finches, woodpeckers, doves, a mockingbird, wrens, and of course —- squirrels. When the “tweet” (sorry for the pun)  goes out that the Backyard Buffet is open for business, the customers do come flying. Even the squirrels appear to be flying, the way they jump from tree to tree.

I’m down to only two Sundays left at my current position as co-pastor at Zoar UCC. Next Sunday, my last Sunday, I will have the honor of doing an infant baptism. What a wonderful way to finish up a ministry. It has been such an honor to have served at this church because as I have told you, it is my “home-Church”, the one I was raised in, baptized in, and confirmed in. Tomorrow afternoon I meet with the council of the second of the two churches I’m moving to. It gives me a chance to requaint myself with them and ask and answer any questions we have have of one another. And I want to take a look at the pastor’s study and see how they currently have it arraigned.

Julies came down yesterday afternoon and is staying through tomorrow. She is busy working on her college homework. She came without the puppies this time so hopefully she’ll get better rest since they won’t be waking her up and constantly wanting to go in and out. They are good dogs but they are “needy”. Just another reason I’m past having animals. I like having a dog but I’m past the having to walk them, and clean up after them, and let them in and out and cleaning up the hair etc. I have had a lot of dogs over the years s that niche has been filled.

It is Saturday morning so of course I’m going to remind you to go to church tomorrow. God has once again given you a week a blessings whether you have been able to recognize them or not. So, take the opportunity to sit with your fellowman and give praise to the glory of God and be grateful. Peace.

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