Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 I’m sitting here observing the Backyard Buffet, watching my guests. It is fairly quiet at the moment. Once in a while two or three starlings will come in and fight over “their feeder”. It isn’t really theirs but they act like it is. I have a couple of robins hopping around the yard and a couple of doves waddling around the yard. A few finches have been by but other that that it is quiet. The squirrels are sleeping in I guess because they haven’t shown up yet. Off in the distance I hear a lot of birds singing and for what ever reason, the crows are raising sand this morning somewhere in the neighborhood. 

I know it isn’t nice to brag but, My yard really looks nice this morning. I spent a few hours out there yesterday and cleaned it all up. I also trimmed the roses which are leafing out very well. I filled my weekly garbage can about three quarters of the way with sticks and twigs and limbs that I had broken into 12 inch or less pieces. I don’t put sticks in my compost pile because it takes forever for them to decompose. So, when I do my cleanup after a windstorm or winter, I pull my garbage can around and start breaking them up . It takes awhile but it isn’t hard work. A year or so ago, I bought a really nice “Stickpick” grabber and it is perfect of picking up the sticks. It sure saves me a lot of bending over. I think I bought it at a medical supply place back when I had my fall and couldn’t do much reaching. While I was out there I also did some weed-eating out by my raised garden beds and noticed that the first potatoes are starting to pop through the ground and so are the radishes. I’ll give the potatoes a few days and then pull the rest of the dirt over them and hill them up. 

Okay, here comes all of the little birds for breakfast; the house-finches, sparrows, wrens, junkos,  blue birds, and goldfinches. I knew they would be along shortly. 

The clouds are starting to break up a little bit. We are supposed to have rain on and off over the next few days and  a lot of wind. “Beware the Ides of March”; isn’t that a line from Shakespeare? Seems like I remember that Julius Caesar was warned of that shortly before he was assassinated. Was that from Macbeth?? I don’t remember. I probably only read enough to get through the literature class and pass the test. Funny memory, —— In the eighth grade I had a teacher, Mr. Vescovi, who was a tough teacher. He was the gym teacher and I had him for some other class, I’m thinking it was “health class/science”. When a student messed up he would assign papers to write. I recall a kid named Harry that had to memorized a long passage from a Shakespeare play. I thought that kid would never get through it. I remember I had to write a paper once on Sara Teasdale, a poet. Back then, if you were really lucky your folks had a set of Encyclopedias in the home. Our set of Compton’s had a three line paragraph on her and I had to write a 500 word paper. LOL

That’s it for today. The sun is getting brighter and the day is looking nicer. There are geese heading north and honking their way as they fly overhead. My blessings abound. Peace. 

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