Saturday, March 6, 2021

 Another chilly morning but at least it is bright and sun shiny, At the moment I have a half dozen starlings fighting over a single feeder, A couple of them will fly in and land on the feeder and then two or three more will fly in and try to land on the same feeder but instead land on the other starlings. That starts an air battle of fussing and pecking and they all fly away for about a minute and then the show starts all over again. It’s entertaining. Meanwhile, the other birds are happily eating at the other dozen and a half feeders that I have out there with no conflict what-so-ever. 

Julie came down last evening. We’re having a good visit. This morning she is going over to the University of Evansville to drop off some stuff to that bookstore manager, Becky. Becky used to work for Julie at IUSE and then got her own store to manage. She’s a good kid and Julie really likes her. So, after she drops off the stuff to Becky she is going to a place called Parlor Donuts. They have a product that I think is called “Cronuts”| which is a combination croissant and donut. I’ve never had them but Julie has and says they are yummy. I also had one of my church council members talk about how good Parlor Donuts were so I reckon we’ll be trying them today. Speaking of good food; I picked up a carton of Eady’s Salted Caramel Pretzel ice-cream yesterday to try. Man o man —- that is some good stuff. I’ll need to pick up some more of that. 

Spring is pretty much here for sure. My pussy willow is in full bloom and the Gold finches are starting to turn yellow again. In a couple of weeks the trees are going to start looking “fuzzy” and the leaves start popping out again. We are seeing more 60s during the day in stead of 40s so that is all good. The weather forecaster said last night that we nay not see any rain for another five days and that would be really good. Maybe the ground (meaning my garden) can finally get dried out and I can start planting a few things. I’m as bad as other folks, I get antsy to plant  and sometimes plant too soon. I need to check the Farmer’s Almanac about planting this year. 

Tomorrow is Sunday and for we Christians, a day of worship. However, today is the Sabbath for my Jewish friends and the Seventh Day Adventists. Whatever your day of worship happens to be, take the time to celebrate it. God has given you another weeks of blessings and the least we can do is spend an hour or two a week to give God praise and glory. Have a blessed day. Peace. 

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