Monday, October 12, 2020

 There’s nothing much better than to start a Monday off  than with a good cup of coffee. Unfortunately, my coffee this morning was terrible! Yuk! I cleaned my coffee pot yesterday afternoon. The instructions say to use white vinegar with water and run the cleaning cycle, which I did. However, i didn’t get the pot rinse out very good I guess because my coffee was bitter this morning. I poured the pot out and started over. Now my coffee tastes like it is supposed to. 

It is a cloudy “cool-ish” morning. The temperature isn’t any worse than most mornings, (65 degrees) but their is a lot of moisture in the air. According to my Accuweather app, we are having “scattered drizzle” although I haven’t actually heard any rain drops on the roof. So I guess it is really scattered. It. I’m sure we will get some before the day is over. The wind has picked up some and the Corinthian chimes are singing loudly. I love hearing them ring and sing in the background. 

This is what my sidewalk looked like after I went up on the roof on Saturday with my leaf blower. The gutters were really cluttered and the sunporch roof was covered. While I was up there I took the pruners and I also trimmed away a lot of branches from the tree next to the sunporch that were laying on the roof. Ms. Kate went out there with me and held the ladder as I went up and down and handed me my tools. That certainly helped a lot. She really doesn’t like for me to get up there and a couple of years ago I had a doctor tell me that I would never be able to get on a ladder again, but God had a better plan and I do just fine; not easily, but just fine. I got all of the leaves cleaned up and mulched up and the yard looks great. But, that was just round one of the fall season. I’ll probably be up there at least two more time this fall. There are a lot of leaves still up there on the trees. 

Speaking of gutters and leaves, this afternoon I have a guy from Leaf Filters coming to give me an estimate on replacing my current gutter leaf filters. What we have is “okay” but they are getting weak and are rusting out in places so I want to look at replacing them. The estimate is free. I’ll probably also contact the folks from “Gutter Helmet” for an estimate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my gutters, it is just the cover system that needs attention. We’ll see what they say. It doesn’t cost anything to ask. 

Attendance was sparse at the churches yesterday. Harvest season is coming to a close and the guys are all making a push to finish. But, since we also televise our services, those that want to can tune in later.

That’s about it for this Monday morning. I’m going to sit here with Ms. Kate and watch the cardinals and woodpeckers at the Backyard Buffet. Have yourself a marvelous week. If yu have not already, stop and talk to the Lord. Your week will go much smoother. Peace. 


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