Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What a beautiful morning. It’s nice to be saying that a bit more frequently these days. It is 47 already this morning and there is a stiff breeze blowing but, it looks perfect out there. Hopefully the breeze will help dry out the ground. I think the forecast calls for sun shine for the next few days. However, as I appreciate the scene outside my sun porch, I must lift up in prayer those folks around Nashville, TN this morning that were hit by a tornado just a few frightening hours ago. I’ve seen pictures of some of the devastation  this morning on Facebook. I haven’t heard of any deaths though so I hope that holds true.

The taxes are done!!!! Praise the Lord. It helped that Ms. Kate had almost everything that we would need already in a stack for us to get them done. It took us a little over four hours. And, —- it was accomplished with a minimum of frustration comments. Although. I may have to buy Ms. Kate a new keyboard for her computer. I may have melted it a couple of times with things I said when it would type the letters or numbers I wanted and I had to do them three and four times. Yeh, she’s definitely getting a new keyboard. But, I got my notice from Turbo Tax that both the Federal and Indiana Taxes had been accepted. With Illinois I have to snail mail them along with my $44.00 check that I owed. I never hear from them one way or the other and that is a good thing. My only income from Illinois is my crop check and it is always the same.

Todaay is laundry day around here and we have it going already. Other than that, MS. Kate has a hair cut appointment and I need to finish the March 22nd sermon and get started on the next one. I’m also trying to get through the Bible Study work book so we can begin that about to sign off one. Ms. Julie told me Sunday that she thinks she is ready to go when I am. I’ve read the book a couple of times but th work book will make you go line by line and gather all new stuff from the book. It’s a tough study but man the message from the writer is so very relevant.

My morning just was made perfect as a blue bird landed on my feeder next to the window. Thank you Lord for the extra helping of blessings this morning. So, with that, I think I’ll just sit her for a few, finish my coffee and maybe have a bagel with cream cheese.

Oh no, as I was about to sign off, I had a head line come across my screen that said the death toll around Nashville from the tornado had risen to 19. Please lift those folks for comfort and strength. Peace.

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