Thursday, March 12, 2020

Are you following the COVID-19 Corona Virus saga? Of course you are, it is about all there is on the news. What do you think about it? Are you scared of catching the Corona Virus? Are you taking precautions? I’m sure that there is aa problem out there with this virus, A couple of thousand people have died world-wide and the World Health Organization has declared  it a “Pandemic” which simply means that it crosses borders of countries. But, lots of people who get this thing will be just fine. Not everyone is going to die. In fact, the odds of you catching the virus and dying from it are minuscule. But world wide panic has set in and people are mobbing the stores to buy of all things, toilet paper. This virus is an extreme case of flu and I have yet to hear that anyone died of pooping themselves to death. The media is doing what they do best, taking half truths and spreading panic and fear. Doctors and health professionals, the ones that don’t want to sound like saviors of the world on TV, are saying that following simple hygiene  precautions are absolutely. The best defense against this thing. Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer if you can’t wash your hands, cover your mouth if you cough, stay home if you are sick; you know, the things you learned in Kindergarten, are the best ways to avoid it. But mobbing the big box store and carrying out iceberg sized loads of toilet paper just ain't gonna save your life. Humans are worse than scared Wildebeest herds sometimes.

Other than that little rant, how is your day going? We are under the gun for some rain and possibly severe storms before the day is over. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. The sun isn’t shining very Ucc today and that is a good thing because it won’t fuel the storms and make them worse.

Ms. Kate is ready to go do some banking etc so I’m gone for today. Have a blessed day.

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