Friday, August 3, 2018

It’s Friday morning and I’m up early for no known reason. Ms. Kate is still snoozing soundly, so it’s just me, my critters at the backyard buffet, and the house silence. I will say though that there isn’t much true silence. As I sit here, I can hear the clock on the wall clicking each second. I hear trash trucks out in the neighborhood clanging and clunking. I hear the refrigerator running tat sits her in the sun porch; and I hear a wren fussing about something out there in one of the trees. There are creaks and pops as the house wakes up from night time cooler temperatures changing over to the warmth of the sun resting on it. So to say that I am sitting here in silence would be totally misleading.

The local electric company has been upgrading the electrical lines in this neighborhood; actually I think it is a city wide project. All of our electrical line are underground and they have been replacing them and they are putting in new junction boxes. I guess they are transformers, I’m not sure. Yesterday they made the switch over for our particular area consisting of probably four houses. They had the power off for maybe four hours. We weren’t without power though because I have a whole-house generator that kicks in within five seconds of losing power. It runs off of my natural gas line. We had that put in three years ago. As much as we travel, I don’t want to come home to sump pumps that didn’t work or freezers with thawed food running out of them. We’ve had both experiences and neither was cheap or pleasant. I like my air conditioning in the summer and my furnace to be able to blow warm air in the winter. Of course with these new power upgrades the possibility of power loss has been minimized, or so they say. But —- better safe than sorry.

We went to the melon farm yesterday and picked up a couple of cantaloupes and a couple of watermelons. We ate one of the cantaloupes last evening and it was absolutely delicious. Ms. Kate’s cousin also brought us a couple dozen ears of corn, so we had a couple of ears of that and threw some hot dogs on the grill aand had a fantastic “summer supper”. This morning Ms. Kate will finish canning some tomato juice. She did all of the prep work yesterday so today it won’t take very long. We’ll probably have five or six pints out of this batch. My tomatoes are tally putting on now so this coud just be round one.

It is a beautiful morning and I have plenty of guests out here to keep me company. Ms. Kate is up by now and our day has officially started. So, I’m going to jump off. Take time to look around you today. If you see someone that needs help, don’t wait for someone else to do it. If you see someone that needs a smile; give them one of yours. It doesn’t cost a thing. Go with God today. Peace

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