Thursday, August 23, 2018

I think missing my blog writing on Wednesday is becoming habitual. I started to write yesterday afternoon late but by then I just wasn’t in the mood to do so. And —- it wasn’t like I had any “must tell” secrets waiting to hit the IPad screen anyway.

No —- yesterday was just a routine day. I had staff meeting with Karen and Art first thing. After I finished up at the church I came home and got Ms. Kate and we went to lunch. I needed to go to Sam’s Club to try to get some of those big paper yard trash bags that they sell. Well of course they didn’t have any nor did they know if they were going to get them again. I really prefer to use those because they are bio-degradable in the land fill. I don’t want to add plastic out there. The kid at Sam’s said they had them in the spring but sold out and he didn’t know if they would have them in the fall. I have some of my empty sunflower seed bags that I keep so I guess in the mean time I’ll just use those to put my yard clippings in. And I also have my compost pile that I can put the stuff in. The problem with that is that much of the weeds and  stuff I bag up has seeds on it. If I throw that in the compost pile, when I use that compost I’m just throwing weed seed back in my flower beds and garden. I have enough vicious cycles with weeds around here as it is.

We got home from our shopping in time to take a short nap and then I had to goo back to the church for a meeting. Last night was the activities committee meeting and we planned out at least one new activity a month for the rest of the year.

I have an experiment going on with one of my bird feeders. I had filled two of my feeders with some suet pellets, or what is some times called Bark Butter Chips. There were two different “flavors” of them, one was peanut butter flavored and the other was a berry flavor. The birds have emptied the peanut butter flavored one quickly but they hardly touched the other one. I let them sit like that for a few days but yesterday I decided to see it if was the location of the feeders or the flavor of the pellets. So I put the berry flavored pellets in the other container to see if they would eat it. Initially a couple of finches came and ate for a few minutes but I noticed his morning that the feeder has been left virtually untouched. Nor has anything been at it this morning at all. I will probably just throw those pellets on the ground. I guarantee you that the possum or the squirrels or a skunk will gobble them right up. Then I’ll fill the feeders up with my usual pellets and everybody can be happy again. Dang spoiled critters!!.

That catches you up on the latest non-excitement of my life. Have a happy Thursday and then get started on a grand weekend and relax a little. Peace.

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