Wednesday, May 26, 2021

 A rainy morning has relieved me of the duty to go water the garden again. That’s great because God does a so much better job, God gets it all even and just the right amount and at just the right speed. We’re having a nice light and gentle rain. That means the flowers and the veggies don’t get all beat down. Thank you very much Lord.

My friend and parishioner, Bob is at the eye doctor this morning.  He has had so much trouble with his one eye. He first got shingles in eight years ago and has spent the last eight years putting drop in it. A couple of months ago it developed an infection and causing him pain. The doctors have had him on new antibiotics and that didn’t help. For the past two weeks his daughter Brenda has had to put drops every hour in his eye. He had to have a drop every five minutes through four different medications. So that meant he spent twenty minutes of every hour during walking hours getting drops in his eyes. It continued to get worse and they decided yesterday to do a cornea transplant this morning. Last night it started weeping and bleeding and this morning the doctor said no to the transplant, and now they are waiting at another doctor’s office and he will have the eye removed. I feel so very bad for him. He’s 88 and doesn’t need to be going through this. So, I’m asking for prayers for him. By the time you read this, it will probably be done, but —- pray he can adjust to this new reality. God’s will be done. 

Ms. Kate fixed one of my favorite things for my breakfast this morning; — sugar & cinnamon biscuits. That’s a pan of biscuits, dipped in melted butter and then dipped in a sugar and cinnamon mix. Simple but so very good. I had started getting stuff out to make them but Ms. Kate came in and took over, no, it didn’t hurt my feelings at all. 

Today I have to get my tail end down stairs to my office and do some serious writing. I had my June twentieth sermon half written but last night I decided to go a different way that I had started. So, I’m kind of back to the drawing board.Then I need to do the June 27th service and message. The I can relax. It’s a great thing to do on a rainy couple of days. 

On that, I will stop, take my shower, and get busy for the day.  Have a wonderful day. Peace. 

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