Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 It is a windy Wednesday morning. It’s 55 degrees but that wind is going to keep the temperature down. However, it is a beautiful morning. I’ve been sitting in the sun porch watching my guests at the Backyard Buffet. What an array I have had. Birds of every size and color have been here this morning. It is obvious I filled feeders yesterday. 

It’s Wednesday so that of course means that we will go up to the churches and run our bulletins and set up the pulpits for Sunday. On the way we will stop and see Bob; he has some asparagus for us. He said it is only a handful but he was nice enough to go out and cut it for us. He has a fellow that has been cutting it and taking it to market to sell. I think he still sells it to the local grocery store. He has done that for years. He’s 88 years old so his gardening days are done except for the asparagus and that comes up every year. He used to plant about three dozen tomato plants and they grew to be huge and had the best tomatoes on them. But, like I said, it is much more than he can handle now. I hate that for him. For years he planted a bunch of the best sweet corn and tomatoes, and then when the corn was done he would sow turnip seeds. He would get out there and water the garden every day and he put a lot of Miracle Grow on his stuff. But —- that was then, this is now. We all get old and our abilities lessen more every year. 

I wore myself out yesterday. The north side of the yard had gotten totally out of control with weeds and vines. I spent probably four hours out there yesterday weed whacking and pulling and trimming. I filled up my trash can with stuff and I’m still not done. I still have another 20’X20’ section to go. There are peonies and clematis out there that were being choked out because of the weeds. I need to move those peonies because they are not getting the sun they need. I have room on the south side of the house that I’m probably going to turn into another peony bed. I currently have my okra in there but after the okra is done for the summer, I will pull that up and put the peonies in there. The okra is new in the ground so it will be all summer before I move the peonies, probably when they are ready to be cut back in the fall. I also am hoping that the temperature will warm up soon and the weather stay dry. I have a bunch of sedge growing in a flower bed that I need to spray and kill. But, it really needs to be in the 70’s for it to work well. Work, work, work!

Okay, time to clean up and get busy. Y’all have a blessed day. Peace,.

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