Wednesday, May 5, 2021

 It’s a fine, fine morning. But, what the heck am I doing up at 0600? I guess I got the sleep my body required but it is still awful early for me. I have no doubt that if I go sit in my recliner, I’ll doze off. \But, I’m writing from the kitchen table this morning. No reason, this is just as far as I made it. LOL

The sun is shining brightly and it is 52 degrees . The rain has passed through and we are supposed to have a nice day. I think the grass is going to be too wet to mow until at least late in the afternoon. I’d like to put my okra plants in the ground today, but again, it ground will be a bit too muddy. I don’t like to “mud plants in”. Besides, the area that I want to plant in needs to have the “hula-hoe” taken to it and it is too wet for that. Do you have a “hula-hoe”? I find it to be the most useful garden tool I have. We’ve had our for at least twenty years. I’ve never been very good with a regular hoe but this thing scrapes through the dirt just fine. My dad was good with a hoe, but my Grandma Rath was really good with one. And she kept her hoe so sharp. That’s the key of course, keeping them sharp. Grandma was a real character and fun to be around. We were out in the Black Hills of South Dakota one year when I was really young. We were haven’t a picnic in the park and along came a bear and people were scattering. But not Grandma; that bear was not going to get our food. She started chucking stuff at it and ran it off. I think she went on everyone of our vacations when I was a kid. There would be five of us, packed with all of our trip stuff in the Studebaker. She would play “car-games” with us and I suspect my sister and I drove her nuts. 

This being Wednesday, I reckon we will go to the churches and run the bulletins today and set the pulpits up for Sunday. It will probably be the best “weather-day” to do it this week. This Sunday is Mother’s Day and I imagine that we will have a pretty good attendance. Maybe I told you, but, Mother’s Day is the third best attended church service of the year. Of course last year the churches were all closed. This year people are coming back but many folks are still cautious about returning —- and frankly they would rather watch the service on their television at home for “Jammie Church”. That’s okay, I’m glad they listen in, but they miss the camaraderie of sitting next to someone sharing the word and the faith. But at least we have the capability of doing virtual church services. 

I pulled my first radishes yesterday, I need to cut the lettuce, and my peas are now up about two inches. The tomatoes I planted really look good. So far, the Swiss chard, cucumbers and squash are kind of just sitting there, but none of it has died, so that’s hopeful. We’ve still had cool weather and I suppose everything will take off when it gets warmer. 

That’s all I have for you today. I hope you have a blessed day. Walk outside and listen to the birds, smell the flowers, and breathe in God wonderful world. I walked out by my garden this morning and the lilac smelled heavenly. 


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