Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Happy lovely Tuesday. It is lovely because Ms. Kate is feeling so very much better and her cough has become productive instead of just being a dry heave and taking her breath away. So I offer thanks to God and also to Nurse Stephanie at Dr. Jackson’s Office for giving her that shot of antibiotics yesterday. It appears to have done the trick and she is smiling today for the first time in ten days.

I have a few guests at the Backyard Buffet this morning. There are a couple of squirrels out there and a few starlings and a couple of woodpeckers. It will be another fifteen minutes or so before the cardinals come back for another round. I see that I need to put some more suet pellets out and also a couple of suet cakes. And if I’m going to be out there, I might as well fill the sunflower feeders up again too. It has been warm enough and sunny enough thata the birds are starting to use the bird baths  for some splashing and splashing too. Those need to be refilled again. A squirrel was up there drinking a few moments ago and a starling run it off. They are some nasty tempered birds. No wonder Alfred Hitchcock used so many of them in his movies.

We were supposed to go have our Elephant Encounter and Giraffe encounter today but I postponed that until next Tuesday due to Ms. Kate’s bronchitis. While she is a little better today, it just wouldn’t work to do it today for her. I’m very excited about this adventure. I’ve probably said too many times already but my favorite animal is the elephant. While I know they can be extremely dangerous, they appear to be so serene. The are smart and loyal to their family groups and the saying of having a memory like and elephant has great value. I anthromorphize them with some of the better characteristics that humans are supposed to display. However, I sometimes think humans couple learn a lot from elephants. It will be a sad day indeed if man ever hunts those magnificent beasts into extinction. Programs like this elephants sanctuary are doing their part to bring awareness of the plight of the elephant.

I finally have begun to narrow down what I want to do my Mother’s Day message on. So today, that will be my focus. I could bring my laptop out here to the sunporch and write but I know me well enough to admit I wouldn’t get a lot done. It takes me forever to just write my blog because I’m constantly looking outside at my guests. A big ol’ robin just flew on to the branch outside my window and is starting to prune and preen himself. Of course I will have to stop and watch him and see if he moves over to the bird bath. —- that’s why it takes me so long to write when I’m out here. So. -no; I can’t do sermon writing out here in the sunporch. LOL

I hope you have time to get outside today and enjoy some beautiful weather and while you are there — just stop and look around you and take in all of the beauty and glory that God has to offer. Then, bow your head and give God praise and thanks for it. Peace.

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