Monday, May 7, 2018

Bright and beautiful are the words to describe this Monday morning. It is fifty-seven degrees and going to seventy-one, there is no wind and there are no clouds. My early morning Backyard Buffet guests are Cardinals, Grossbeaks, and finches so far. The rest of the yard is quiet. It just is 0700 and Ms. Kate and I are both up. I have to be at the office in a couple of hours so I thought I’d get my blog written now. I could probably do it at the office but the wifi is sketchy at best there. I certainly have the time because it is rare that anyone actually comes in. And —- if they do come in, it is because they need to talk to our secretary Karen. I could be using the time for visitations but there is an expectation from the congregation that Pastor Art and I spend a couple of morning actually at the office. So, I do four hours on Monday, he does four hours on Thursday, and we have our Wednesday couple of hours together and meet with Karen. It’s all good.

We had an uneventful but productive weekend. Saturday afternoon I got the yards all mowed and then Nick came over and we put down the last twenty bags of much. I think that comes out to four cubic yards of mulch that I have put on the flowerbeds. The yard really looks good and so does the flowerbeds. My next chore out there is to try again to kill these dang dandelions and morning glory vines. Both of those plants have roots that reach China and I don’t care what Round-Up says about their products killing them down through the root —- it ain’t happening.

I got the potted plants all taken out of the sunporch and some of them replanted into new pots. We also planted all but two of the new plants we’ve bought. It now makes for a very nice looking patio garden which blends in well with the rest of the yard. I’ve put a lot of pictures of my yard on the Facebook and I get comments and compliments on it all of the time.

Saturday morning I spent in a meeting of our local chuch association. We have two meetings a year and they are about as exciting as watching paint dry but I guess they are necessary. There are a lot of presentations by local organizations offering opportunities for us to get involved with them  and support them. It’s all God’s work and it is all work that needs to be done to help people. I’m just not a person who likes to attend meetings especially when they seem to drone on and on. Our church is involve with several charities that we support and sometimes I feel that as pastors we spend too much time asking for more money. But, that is how God’s work gets done.

I will maybe write tomorrow but if I do it is going to be late. Tomorrow Ms. Kate and I head out early for our “Elephant encounter”. We have to be there at 0900 and it is on Eastern Time Zone which mean we have to leave here really early. We don’t have a good feeling about where the place is. So, we need to be out of here by 0600.

I hope your day has started out happy and I pray your week will be full of joy and God’s blessings. Take some time and look around you at all of the flowers and trees that are blooming and listen to the birds sing. Those are just examples of the blessings that God has sent to you this week. Shalomn.

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