Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The plans were all made and I even got up early to execute them, however, yes, it was raining and we had picked up another inch and a half of rain last night. It has stopped raining for now but the sky can't seem to decide if we will have more or not. We are experiencing the effects of tropical storm "Bill" from out of the Gulf of Mexico. But at least we haven't been hit like Texas was, yet again. I think the drought problem in Texas and Oklahoma has been solved for awhile. Anyway, my plan was to get up early and get out and pull some weeds from the flowerbeds. But instead of me pulling them out --- God is helping them grow. Do you think "it's a sign" that I should leave them alone? I could use that as an excuse; --- "can't pull those weeds, God want's them there".

I have plenty of other things to keep me busy this week and today. We have a funeral to attend today and the bulletins for the next couple of weeks to be working on. And I still have a couple of sermons to work on in order to stay up with the work. June will be gone beffore we know it.

I still haaven't filled the bird feeders and by now the birds are probably wondering if they should move on. But, there is still plenty of finch feed and safflower seed out there so that takes care of most of them. The squirrels aren't happy but I don't care.

The lilies are blooming beautifully and the hydrangeas are stunning. They are fully bloomed out and will stay nice now for awhile. Since I have them fenced in they will stay upright instead of falling over. I picked my first cucumber yesterday and the black raspberries need to be picked. The tomato plants have a lot of fruit on them but they aren't nearly ripe yet. I do wish we could go a couple of weeks with out rain though so we can get some of the yard work done that we want to do.

There is another battle going on between the big beak birds this morning. The starling and the red-headed woodpecker are fighting over a feeder that holds a seed cylinder. The funny part is that the seed sets far enough in the cage that neither of them can actually reach it. It is designed to protect the food for the smaller birds like the wrens and finches. The squirrels really get frustrated by it. Occasionally a squirrel will figure out a way to reach a bit of the food but for the most part they just crawl over and around it and then move on to something more productive.

Julie and Jim and the pupperonis are cominng over this weekend. It will be great to see them Her RA flare-ups have subsided to some extent so she is feeling some better.

I need to get busy now and be productive in some manner. Before I go I must once again stop and give thanks to the Lord for this day and all it might hold. I ask God to comfort the family of the lady that is being buried today. Her long battle with cancer has now ended and she fought bravely to live. She now rests peacefully in the arms of Christ. This morning I give thanks for the peace in my heart and soul and I pray for those who will know no peace today. May God touch them and bring them comfort. Have a great day!

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