Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It's a cloudy 73° this morning and I'm up early of course because it is a travel day. Kate and I both are up having our coffee already. The car is packed already so there is no reason for us to be up but that is the way it is.

Of course, I fully realize that it is only "early" for us. Most folks are already on the way to work or have at least had their breakfast. But, I am a lazybot in the mornings since I don't have set hours that I have to be anywhere or do anything particular in the morning. On the other hand, I'm often still working at midnight and usually go to bed around 1:00 a.m. so, I reckon it all works out even doesn't it!

We had a pretty good pop up storm yesterday. I wanted to run over to the recycle drop off yesterday afternoon and as I left the house I noticed how dark the sky was getting. By the time I got to the landfill, it was pouring. So, I waited it out in the car. From there I headed to North Park area and Target, and the streets were flooded and there were limbs in the street. I just noticed that I have a piece of a dead limb down in my back yard. I suspect we may be driving through rain this morning as we head out to the airport down in Nashville, TN. However, I'm not complaining, but rather, I give God thanks for the rain because we really needed it.

The cucumbers have started to put on as well as the summer squash. We had a bunch yesterday and then I took some over to neighbor Dan and told him he could take what he wants as it comes on in the next week. There is no use for it to lay there and rot and go to waste. We have a lot of tomatoes that will be ready by next week most likely. They should be ripe by the 4th of July and Julie and Jim can have fresh tomatoes when they come. I did get one last picking of my black raspberries. We promptly ate those with some vanilla yogurt. It was good stuff.

My blogging will probably be a little sporadic for the next two weeks. It will depend on wifi availability in the hotels etc. Of course they all have wifi but I'm to cheap to pay an extra $20.00 a day for it. Ms. Kate and I both have "wifi hotspots" on our phones but some hotels have figured out how to block that so you have to pay for it through them.

They say "the early bird gets the worm", but it looks like the worms arepretty safe around here this morning. There is many birds out there so far with the exception of a couple of Carolina Wrens and the occasional Cardinal, and the little bunny. Beyond that, it has been pretty quiet out there.

It is time to give thanks and credit where it belongs and therefore I turn my thoughts to God. Again I thank God for the needed rain, and the fact that no one was hurt during our storm yesterday. I lift up my loved ones and the loved ones of others that may be ill, physicalky or mentally, and I ask for God's strength to be with them. I give God praise for my abundance of blessings and I ask for safe travels.

I hope your day gives you time to stop and count your blessings too. Have a good one. Its time to hit the road.

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