Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 Well, September announces itself with a cloudy 74 degree morning. It looks like rain is on the way and prediction calls for a chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. I reckon we will just wit and see what the day holds. 

The Backyard Buffet has been mostly quiet this morning. Mostly just a few small birds have come by for a bite. I have a grey squirrel here that is new to me. Because I am somewhat color blind, a lot of colors really blend together for me and I can’t tell what a true color is. Most of my squirrels are brown squirrels I think. But I have a grey squirrel among them and I only notice it because when it sits up on it’s haunches its belles is a solid white. So, I don’t know if he is a color mutation or what, but it is interesting, and none of the other squirrels mess with it. Maybe my neighborhood is getting integrated. 

I don’t know what, if anything that Ms. Kate and I have on our plate today. We kind of talked about maybe taking some hydrangeas up to St. Lucas and planting them around the tool shed. We thought maybe we could put in a couple. Right now they have a flower bed, and I use the term loosely, in the front of that shed that was created by one our young men several years ago as an Eagle Scout project. He put some shrubs in there and I think some pea gravel. It looked fine for a couple of years but has not been maintained and none of the flowers are left, just a couple of shrubs. Kate talked to Jacob about us giving them some plants to put in there but I know that if we don’t take them up there and plant them, it won’t get done. If they live, it will look great, if they die, we’ve lost nothing but some time. We also talked about putting some Black-eyed Susans on the west side of the shed where nothing is planted. 

I reckon while we are out and about we could also check on the local produce and maybe get a cantaloupe or two, and while we are at the church we can run the bulletins for the 20th of September. 

But, none of this is going to get done if I don’t get out of my chair, shower and get ready for my day. Have a blessed Tuesday, and have a blessed September. Peace my friends. 

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