Don’t let that beautiful sunshine out there fool ya’. It’s cool enough to make your knickers knock. It has gotten up to 54 by now and I think that 61 is going to be the high for the day. But that is okay because I have outdoor work to do today and cool weather will be a blessing.
We got some rain Sunday night and into yesterday and we really needed it. I have weeds and Black-eyed Susans to pull out today and the rain has moistened up the ground nicely. It should make for easier work. I tried doing a little of it a few days ago, and stuff was just breaking off and not coming up. That just leaves the roots in the ground and helps nothing. Of course when I pull up those Black-eyed Susans, they are going to drop a thousand seeds, so —- I guess it is a wash.
Yesterday morning Ms. Kate and I spent the morning at the optometrist getting our annual check up on our eyes. Thankfully we did not come out of there having bought new glasses. But, Ms. Kate’s cataracts are getting a little more developed so we’ll have to watch that. I have a little development but noting to worry about for a few years. What I do have is “droopy eye-lids”. So I have an appointment with a specialist to take a look at that and determine if some kind of minor surgery may be needed to lift them or at least the left one up. Sometimes I have to just reach up and lift the left one because it droops in front of my eye. It’s an age thing. Getting older has so many perks and fun things that can develop and happen to you.
I had my sermon and the service for this coming Sunday all ready to go, but Sunday night I had a thought come to me for a maybe better message for this week and I decided to save the completed sermon for next week and write a new one for this Sunday. So I went down to my office about 1500 hrs and started on this new train of thought. I finished everything up by 2130 last night. Now, I have to put together the actual service for the next weekend and I’ll be done though the 11th of October. I need to keep working ahead because I have another vacation coming up in November and we know how much work that is to get ready for.
The new television screens we put up In the sanctuary are getting great reviews. This coming Sunday we will be starting to sing again in church and Jacob will put the songs up there on the screens so that we won’t need to even use the hymnals. I’ll be really glad when we can finally get the new camera installed. I think I’m going to start putting my IPad or my IPhone up on the pulpit with me so I can see what he is putting up on the screens. Right now, I can’t see the screens because they are on either side of me. But Jacob says that we can download the program on to my equipment and I’ll be able to see it. I’m loving this new technology. It’s not gimmicky nor does it turn the service into entertainment, but it sure does enhance the service.
Lots to do today so I’m jumping off. Have a blessed day. Reach out and be kind to a neighbor, call a loved one, and ave a talk with God today. Your day will go so very much better. Peace.
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