Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday, September 11th, 2020; 19 years ago today terrorists flew two planes full of passengers into the twin towers in New York City and another one into the Pentagon in Washington DC. A fourth plane was supposed to go be crashed into an unknown target but the passengers of that plane overwhelmed the terrorists and the pilot crashed the plane into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing all 40 passengers and crew. Over three thousand people died that day as buildings came crashing down. Many of them were firemen and policemen rushing into the destruction. There is no telling how many people have died since as a results of all of the toxins and dust and smoke they inhaled. It was an attack that we as Americans should never forget and yet in today's cancel culture that is demanding anything that "makes them feel bad" be removed or torn down I would not be surprised it it was declared racist because of something or another. Even worse, and I made this statement to some folks the other day, the young people that are currently rioting and protesting and looting , "all in the name of justice" are young enough that many had not been born yet or were not more than two years old on 9/11/2001 and therefore it means no more to them than either of our World Wars or Vietnam or Korea, or even the Civil War. I saw an interviewer on a college campus trying to talk to college students the other day about historical events and many of them could not answer who fought or won the American Civil War. And these are the future "leaders" of our country. 

We have arrived at Lisa and Gary's house and have had a wonderful visit so far. It has rained some and will rain again today but that doesn't bother any of us. Tomorrow afternoon we will head down to Emerald Isle and or rental for five nights. The weather is supposed to be good and again if it isn't --- oh well. We are there to relax and enjoy one another on a long overdue visit. So, while we relax down here, I hope your day is going well, wherever you might be. I bid you peace. 

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