Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday evening update from rehabilitation; I’m flat worn out! Having said that, I can not believe how far I have come in the last week. The Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy has been intense and intentional. But, as oppposed to other PT programs that I have been involved with, this is not the intense pain that I have had in other programs. Perhaps that is because of the difference in injuries, but I know I am not in dread of going to therapy the four times a day that I am doing.

Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. Ms. Kate and I celebrated it by having lunch across from one another at my. Hospital beside table. How romantic was that?? But hey, over our Air Force career, we missed several anniversaries so the fact that we could celebrate it together in any form — win,, win!

That catches you up. I would write more but my rump’s a draggin’. Thanks for your prayers. Peace.

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