It's 4:30 in the afternoon on Friday. My morning was busy and I'm just now getting around to moving the fingers across the keyboard. As I do, I'm watching the weather and news on the TV. It is sleeting/snowing outside right now. I've already treated the driveway with snow melt. This weather event is supposed to last until late tonight, I think. Heaven knows we don't need any more moisture of any kind on the ground at this point and yet the forecast calls for rain each of the next seven days.
Ms. Kate and I went shopping for a new television for me for my area. (I won't call it a "man-cave" because I'm really tired of that phrase.) But, it is the area where I watch television and my office is here in this space. Ms. Kate has said that she wanted me to get myself anew television becaue I had mentioned that I'd like to have one the size of hers that is in the family room. Do I need a new television ?? No I don't; but that new sixty-five in television is sure going to be sweet. We went to Best Buy to get it simply because they will deliver it, and install it and show me how to use it. I'm anxious to see some of my favorite shows on that massive screen.
I filled bird feeders this afternoon. I think I probably put out about thirty pounds of sunflower seed asd well as some of the bark butter pellets and meal worms. The blue birds really like the meal worms and I have friends that keep blue birds around all year up in Michgan by feeding mealworms. My problem with meal worms is the cost. They are really expensive and the stinking starlings just sit there and gobble them until they are all gone. But, if I'm going to run the Backyard Buffet, I guess I have to accept any and all customers. No discrimination allowed. But -- I did buy "hot-pepper" bark butter bits to keep the squirrels from eating them.
Ms. Kate and I had a relaxed Valentines Day although we spent a bunch of it shopping. She wanted to go to the Butcher Shop, then we went to Walmart and Target checking out the prices of televisions at those places.
I just went out and checked on the snow and sleet and the ground is covered. It is changing over from sleet to some snow. It is currently twenty-six degree so with the suin going down, what is wet will begin to freeze. I'm glad that I don't have anywhere to go tonight.
That's it for tonight. Have a great evening, stay warm, stay off of the roads. The reporters says that are alreay slide-offs and road rage due to slowing traffic. I don't know why people have to be such asshats! Peace.
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