Saturday, February 17, 2018

Saturday morning and it is a snowy Saturday morning at that. I was just sitting here minding my own business, watching my critters at the buffet and now —- wham!! Now there is a half an inch of snow on the ground. The guests at the buffet are acting like people buying milk and bread before a blizzard.  And, —- it is supposed to start raining by noon and will wash it all away. How weird is that? I think God put somebody new on weather control this morning; probably some weatherman that got to heaven and wanted to create instead of report. God has a sense of humor ya’know.

Ms. Kate and I went on a day-date yesterday. We finally had time to go have our Valentine’s Day dinner so at lunch time we went to Outback Steak House for lunch. It was a delicious meal of steak and lobster. Then we simply went back home. We had not had time on Valentine’s Day because of me  working and then we had the Ash Wednesday service that evening. So yesterday was special.

I finished writing my Tenebrae drama last night and also created the worship service to go with it. I need to check the lighting system at church and see if they have dimmer switches installed on them. It isn’t critical but would help create the dramatic effect that I’m wanting. The next hurdle will be finding twelve men to read the parts of the disciples. I can use women —- but again, the dramatic effect will be less. I’ll let you know at the end of March how it went.

Tomorrow I wil attend the installation of Reverend Dave Marshall to be the called pastor for the two churches in Ft. Branch that I served for twelve and a half years. I’m glad for Dave and I’m glad for the two churches. Dave is a month older than I am and was just ordained a few months ago. Like me, it was a long time dream to answer that call. He retired from the USAF several years ago and is now starting on an entire new adventure. I offer prayers for a successful pastoral relationship between the churches and him.

The snow has slowed down and I’m not sure it doesn’t have a little rain mixed in with it now. The starlings are flocking in by yet dozens to get food at the feeders and on the ground. They look like looters in a riot. Any time there is snow on the ground —- here they come.

That’s about it for today. Ms. Kate is fixing me a pan of her special biscuits just because I asked and she is a sweetheart. Have a pleasant day and don’t forget about chuch tomorrow. Peace.

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