Wednesday, November 16, 2016

When I sit here in my sunporch each morning I can usually find something that sends a note of excitement or inspiration to get my day going. This morning is no exception. I have had two red-headed woodpeckers out here most of the morning dividing their time between the sunflower feeders and the bark butter feeders. Although, there isn't much left in the barkbutteer feeders at this point. And --- while they were interesting and nice to watch, --- they weren't my inspiration for the day. What caught my attention the most were the five beautiful cardinals all sitting around the bird bath and three more on the feeders. The sun is just right to light them up brilliantly. Those eight and a few more have been busy out there all morning. But the sudden appearance of them sitting around the birdbath at the same time was just a wonderful sight. God does such marvelous work with His creation.

I'm once again reminded that these are the days of  "last times". It is Wednesday and of course that means it is bulletin running day at the churches. But --- this will be my last time to do that at the parish. Because Thanksgiving is next week and we will be doing other things, we will run the bulletins for this week and for next week today. Next weeks bulletin is of course for my final service. Tonight will be the last choir practice for Ms. Kate and I. The choir sings for the final time while I am pastor, this coming Sunday. I also need to gather up my few remaining items in my two church offices and bring that stuff home. I don't have a lot left; some pictures and a couple of card tables that we loaned to the church, and a small office refrigerator. Lisa will take that refrigerator back to North Carolina with her when she comes up next week. I gave Julie the other small refrigerator that I had in one of the offices.

I got the results back from my blood tests that I had yesterday. --- My doctor is not gping to be pleased. My glucose/A1C numbers etc. are high. Ms. Kate says that it means I need to start walking regularly or start taking pills regularly and knock off some of the sweets. Dang! --- and here it is, just getting to cookie season. I must admit --- I am a sweet-a-holic, and I could be the national chairman for "Carbs Are Us". I guess I better change a bit of my lifestyle.

Time for the birdfeeders to be filled so I neeed to vacate my recliner aand get busy. I pray your day matches the sunshine that is so brilliantly warming up my back yard and continuing to spotlight my back yard visitor. I wish you God's peace.

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