Saturday, November 7, 2015

It is amazing how much more light I get in the back yard now that the leaves are off of the trees. Thre are still plenty of leaves falling but I think I may only have to mulch them up a couple of more times before winter settles in for sure. Each day less and less fall. Mostly what I have out there now have come from the neighbor's Maple tree. Thank you so much for sharing.

Happy Saturday! Another week has come to a close and it has been a busy one although I'd have to really think what all we have accomplished. Some days and weeks are like that. You work all week getting stuff done and turn around and wonder just what it was that you did. I know we got some plants in the ground because I'm still taking my Advil from that little bit of exercise. I'm almost fully healed and feeling much better by now. I'm not sure if I want to tempt fate and go pull on the lawn mower rope today or not though. It starts on first pull about 98% of the time, but today would be the day that it didn't.

We went to DuQuoin, Illinois yesterday to meet with a lawyer in order to sign some paperwork and meet with the Uncle and Aunt and cousins over there. I got my portion all signed and now the lawyer can send it up to my sister and maybe we can finally get my mother's estate settled and the land partnership transferred in to my and my sister's name. Ms. Kate and I had a good visit with the relatives and got to meet some extended cousins that I hadn't met before. It was nice to be able to set and talk and re-aquaint somewhere besides at a funeral! My uncle is 91 and my aunt is 88 but they are still getting along fairly well with the exception of dialysis three days a week for him and diabetes for her. I found out that my cousin and his wife are building a beautiful log home there on the farm. I can hardly wait to see the finished product. They hope to be in by Christmas. He's using, I think, 18" Douglas Fir logs, so it will certainly be solid. He said they used 85 gallon of varnish and sealant on it. He'll have to perfect porch to sit on in the evenings to look out over the farm. (Okay, yes, I'm a tad jealous because I've always wanted a home like that.)

I have at least a dozen cardinals out there this morning at the buffet line and a few woodpeckers and a squirrel. They are al enjoying the sunshine or so it seems. It is 66 degrees out there this morning and that will be the high for the day. The sun will make it feel warmer.

That's it for today. I've been sitting here conversing with my girls from around the country through Facebook Messenger. I love doing that. It isn't the same as face-to-face, but it is close. It is time to re-fill the coffee cup. Have a blessed day.

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