Monday, June 26, 2023

 Happy new week! It’s been a few days, but they have been full days. Can you believe it is the 26th of June already. Another month almost caulked off and a half of a year almost caulked off too. 

It’s another sunny morning and as people do —- we’re all griping because it is another sunny day. We need rain. Yesterday at church people were chiding me about not doing my job and “taking to the big guy” because they need rain on their crops. I told them like I always tell them, I’m in sales, not production. Actually several places did get some rain yesterday but it came with storms and hail. That’s not what they were looking for. We were under a severe thunderstorm threat and a tornadoes watch most of the afternoon. But nothing happened here at our place. However, not so far away in eastern Indiana they did have tornadoes. It’s Somme crazy weather this summer. 

We had a good crowd at Church yesterday. Summer does tend to take people way. I suspect that this coming Sunday will be poorly attended because it will be 4th of July weekend and people will be out on the road. But, we take what we get and be thankful for it. I can’t say I blame people for trying to get away and see places and visit friends. 

My daughter Heather and hubby John bought me the coolest Father’s Day/Birthday present. It is a solar powered, bird feeder with a wireless camera in it so I can watch the birds from inside the house or catalytic from anywhere. My Apple Watch goes off every time the camera senses motion and will take a video of what ever bid is eat in from the feeder. Yesterday morning I had not yet put the camera on its pole upside and it was sitting in the sunporch. It was turned on to record motion. So —- while I was giving my sermon yesterday I kept getting notifications and was watching every time one of the kids went through my sunporch. Today I’ve been getting several alerts but it is only the wind blowing the hydrangeas in the background. It is a awesome gift. Julie got the technical portion all set up for me and linked it to my phone for which I am grateful. She and Jim came over Saturday to celebrate Father’s Day with me a week late. She gave me a new IU shirt which received many good comments yesterday at church. 

Today, I will be getting back to Job and working on the Bible study. I’ll be glad when I get my prep done and we can actually get started on the course. 

That’s it for today. Have a wonderful week. Finish up the month of June with smiles on your faces and love in your heart. Peace. 

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