Saturday, October 2, 2021

 A wet street with fallen leaves on it, a grey dull sky that is driveling a few rain drop, the neighbor’s deflated plastic Halloween yard decorations —- yeah, it looks like a fall day out there. But it is 70 degrees and will still climb a bit today, not that I’ll be out in it today. I have other things I need to get done, and one of those things is to reach over and grab that bagel and pop it in the toaster, and grab the Creme cheese. I do love my bagel and Creme cheese, I love them for breakfast or just for a snack. 

So yes, today is going to be a rainy day, although if it is going to9 actually rain it needs to do a bit more than it has done so far today. I was having coffee in the sunporch and I could almost count the rain drops as they fell. It certainly wasn’t bothering the guests at the Backyard Buffet. The place was full of cardinals this morning as well as several varieties of woodpeckers, goldfinches a few starlings, doves, hummingbirds, and of course a fat squirrel or two. It’s been a blessed morning out there. 

What’s on your agenda today? I need to go downstairs and finish next weeks sermon that I am working on. I have at least another page of text and a pastoral prayer to add to it. But my subject is good and I think it will flow pretty well if I just get down to it. If I get this one done, maybe I will start on the one for the 17th. I’m trying to think a few weeks ahead and come up with something to write for Advent and a Christmas presentation. So far I have been stumped. It does me no good to try to write a play because I have no players. But, I did have a a wonderful lady tell me that she would love it if I would come up with another something and that she would even take part in it. Of course, I can’t let that opportunity go by so I’ obligating myself to the task. But it is not easy. I’ve written several plays over the years that we have used at my current parish and at Zoar. I wrote a produced an Easter Play one year that they still talk about and that has been a couple of decades ago. But I think they talk about it because of the impact it made on the kids who participated in it. I still have \\\\\people tell me how much that play meant to them. But — I hope to come up with at least a dialogue for a couple of them to do. I just have to pray harder and let it flow and not force it. 

IT’s time for a fresh cup. Ms. Kate has headed to the sunporch to listen to the rain drops and I think I’ll join her. I wonder which of us will doze off first!!!!  Have a blessed weekend. Peace. 

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