Friday, October 22, 2021

 Happy Friday the 22nd of Oct. Cool, cloudy and a breeze today. Sounds like a fall day doesn’t it? And —- it looks like one. 

I know I’m a fairly predictable person, kind of “in a rut” of my daily activities, I didn’t know it was so much so that even my IPad knows my schedule and prompts me with it. LOL I sat down in my recliner earlier, (yes, like I do every morning) and I had two messages posted on the front as suggestions. The first said; “Check Accuweather, based upon time and location.”  The second one said “Google Chrome; based upon time and location.” So, my IPad knows where it is setting and knows that at a specific time I check the weather report and I set and write my blog. I think maybe that spooks me out a little. What else is Artificial Intelligence keeping track on about me?? But, here I am; —- it is 52 degrees and I’m working on my blog. (“I will obey, I will obey, I will obey)

This morning I’m taking Ms. Kate etc the doctor to see if she can get a handle on what has been causing her all of this stomach trouble. We both believe it to be diverticulitis but if that is it, maybe they will start her on some antibiotics and start the healing process. She been sick long enough to really be worrisome. Wish her luck with a prayer. 

I fished up another big portion of the front flowerbed yesterday by cutting back the last of the four-o’clocks like I had hoped to do. I have one more section of the front to do hopefully today, if it doesn’t rain. That will probably take a couple of hours to clean that part up. Then I can move around to the north east side and finish that up. From there I’ll move to the south side and I think I’m going to try to just pull up everything everything in the garden and get that all cleaned up. The tomatoes are still green, but the fruit hanging on them does not seem to be turning. And the okra keeps putting on but we aren’t doing anything with it. I might as well get it winterized. There is a spot that I want to transplant a peony to that currently has the okra in it. That peony really needs to be moved from the north west side of the house to the southwest side. I had moved all of the others that were out there but I missed this one. It and several others were plants that I moved from my mother’s field many years ago, so it is an heirloom plant for us. 

Time for me to get myself ready to take Ms. Kate for her appointment. Enjoy your Friday, Enjoy your weekend. Shalom. 


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