Tuesday, October 26, 2021

 The sunshine is certainly a welcome sight this morning. The leaves are fairly still so that tells me there isn’t a lot of wind. Yesterday was a really windy one and it was blustery type of cold. But today and tomorrow are supposed to be good weather days before the rain moves back in for a couple of more days. 

Good morning to you. I hope your day is starting off very well. I hope you have lots of things to smile about in your life today. Life goes so much better when we can honestly smile at the world. My ugliest at the Backyard Buffet are having reasons to smile today because I filled the feeders, or at least part of them yesterday afternoon. Silly old “Stretch” came running down the tree as soon as I walked away from the one feeder. I think he must have been parked up in the at tree just waiting to see if I was ever going to come out and feed him. I often will have that happen; I start filling feeders and right away some bird or two will fly in and check out the feeder, then off it goes and starts telling the neighborhood. It’s pretty neat actually. It isn’t as neat when the feeders are empty and they set on the branches out side of my sunporch and stare in at me. It almost disturbs my nap. LOL

Today is “get some chores done” day. Ms.. Kate has a grocery list ready for me. Sop, as soon as I finish my blog I guess I’ll get cleaned up and go do the shopping. I don’t mind it at all, in fact I could almost say I enjoy it. Since I’ve gotten to know my way around the “Neighborhood Walmart” store I can fairly well find what I want. And if I don’t know, I just ask one of the folks that are filling carts for the “on-line” shoppers. They have to know where everything is. So, I just take my time, check my list and get what I need. I don’t go to the big Walmarts, but the ones that are primarily groceries are fine. If I don’t find it at Walmart I’ll go to Schnucks but their selections generally aren’t as good and they are higher priced, although I usually don’t pay a lot of attention to price unless it seems ridiculous. But, everything has gone up. 

While I’m shopping, Ms. Kate will get the laundry started. Ill carry it out to the washing machine, she can load it and start it. By the time I get home, I can transfer it over to the dryer for her. I do that because she’s too short to reach the bottom of the washing machine basket without getting a set of tongs to pull the stuff out. We do make a pair that’s for sure. 

Ms. Kate’s health status today is classified as “not feeling too bad — yet”. I’ll take that as almost good. She generally is this way until afternoon when the stomach and intestines start to hurt again. She has found that if she doesn’t go stretch out then, she will really suffer for it. I just pray we can get some treatment for her soon. We’re almost at a month of this. 

Time for my shower and then head out to Walmart and look for “Walmart People”. Fortunately we don’t see a lot of those here. Have a blessed day my friends. Raise your head and listen for the voice of God. Peace. 

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