Thursday, October 28, 2021

 Rain, rain, go away, we’ve had enough of you today. I woke at 0530 and it was pouring and it kept that up for at least another hour and a half. My super duper weather gauge says we have gotten 1.25 inches so far today. I think that is more than they were expecting and it is supposed to rain on and off through Saturday morning. I really hope it is done for today anyway because we are supposed to have furniture delivered this afternoon and I’d prefer that it wasn’t delivered in the rain. 

I’m sitting here having my coffee and some Pillsbury Cinnamon rolls. I do like those things although my preference is the orange danish. For whatever reason those are hard to find these days. Maybe they are more popular and sell out faster ot —- maybe they don’t sell as well so the stores don’t order them as much. What ever, they are hard to find. But frankly everything is getting harder to find with the supply chain backup. It’s not just the stuff sitting out there off shore, it’s everything. The trucking industry is overwhelmed. People don’t seem to want a job. There is hardly a business that you can name that isn’t looking for workers. Unemployment should be at zero because if you want a job —- there are many waiting out there. All of those people thinking they want socialism are getting their way. It’s very scary. 

I actually heard on the news last night that the CDC is promoting the American public to get a fourth COVID vaccine shot. They say it will be for the “extremely vulnerable”. There is no way you can convince me that the CDC and other gov’t agencies all the way to the top are not in cahoots with the pharmacy companies. The rhetoric last year was all about “saving grandma’s life by getting the shot.” Is there any wonder that people are pushing back and saying “enough”. Just yesterday they approved the vaccine for 5-11 year olds and already only about a third of America is supporting it. And the President’s response is to weaponize it and threaten your very livelihood and monetary welfare if you don’t take them. I think that some night I went to sleep and woke up in a communist dictatorship. Thousands of health care providers are now being fired because they have stood up and said, hold on —- all of this isn’t necessary and are refusing to take the shots. Again, tell me how all of this isn’t about money. Enough ranting about that. 

I guess I’ll head downstairs today and work on my stuff for November 7th. I have the service planned but only about 1/3 of the message written. I might as well take full advantage of a rainy day and do some writing and some study. I want to be done with the message by the time the furniture gets here today and take my nap in my new recliner. 

I hope your day is blessed. Peace. 

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