Saturday, October 16, 2021

 Hello Saturday. It’s nice to see all 46 degrees of you. What’s up with that??? We had a cold front move on in and bring some fall weather with it. Our forecaster says that the “warm days” are probably mostly gone. Of course by that he means the days up in the 80’s that we have been having. Now we are back down where we should be in mid-October, the 70’s. I can handle 70’s weather quite well. But, I did turn the heat on for Ms. Kate and close the door to the sunroom since it isn’t heated. I will be very comfortable out there when I go back out with my cup of coffee again. I bring my IPad in to the kitchen to write my blog because it is a lot easier to use it on the table rather than my lap. 

We got plenty of rain yesterday evening and last night; not that we needed any at all. I’m hoping the grass will dry out fairly soon because I want to mow the front yard and do some other work outside but it is too wet at the moment. Maybe this afternoon. It is only going up to 64 today so it should be comfortable to work outside. I just don’t want to get wet and muddy. I know, I’ve gotten to be a wuss in my old age. 

Ms. Kate is feeling only slightly better today. This darn Diverticulitis is just wearing her out. She really needs to get in and see her doctor and see if she can get some antibiotics. It has basically incapacitated her from doing anything. I’ve had this problem many years ago and I can attest to the fact that the pain will literally take you to your knees. Or at least it did me. Hopefully we can get her taken care of soon. 

I’ve had a lot of visitors at the Backyard Buffet this morning. I think they like the cooler weather or maybe they need to refuel more. Mostly it has been cardinals, which is always good. I have changed up the diet out there a little and they are eating everything in sight. It is obvious that the harvest is going on and the blackbirds and starlings are all out in the fields gleaning them of dropped corn etc. I’ve not had but one or two here this week and they didn’t stay around much. That works fine for me. It really bugs me when they come in in flocks and just take over the feeders. They throw so much on the ground. What can I say, they are rude guests. 

I spent most of yesterday in my basement office working on my sermon for the 24th. I finished it up last night along with the service. I still have one more thing to write and will do that in a few minutes after I finish up this blog. 

My neighbor across the street has his yard full of blow-up Halloween stuff. He does this every year. He also has a bunch of Thanksgiving stuff that will go up when this comes down. It’s not my thing. I personally think that stuff looks gaudy, but to each his own I reckon. But then, neighbor Dan’s wife has put up their Christmas tree already and all of the Christmas decorations. Why???? Who knows. Dan says he thinks she got bored. Go figure. 

That’s enough gossip. I better quit. This is the weekend and tomorrow is Sunday. I hope that at some point this weekend you find yourself in church taking time to worship \God and giving thanks for a week of blessings. Peace. 

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