Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Is it going to rain or is it going to just look gloomy? My weather app shows rain on and off again today and there isn’t a hint of sunshine so far today. The Backyard Buffet is certainly busy this morning with all variety of guests except for Stretch and Fat Bob the squirrels. One came through but didn’t stay which is fine by me. But I must have at least a dozen and a half cardinals out there. They are flitting from feeder to feeder and are also gleaning the ground too for spilled sunflower seed. I’m always glad to see them clean up after themselves but they become easy prey for the wandering cats. The cardinals don’t seems to be as aware of predators and they aren’t as quick to get away as some of the birds. That’s one reason I appreciate the squirrels being up in my trees. They are really good at sounding the alarm when a cat comes in the yard. They will sit up there and bark and chitter at them. I’ve seen that black cat go straight up a tree chasing a squirrel many times. I think were a battle to ensue, —- the cat would be the one to get whipped. Squirrels are just fuzzy tailed rats and they are aggressive and mean. 

Today is a better day than yesterday. Ms. Kate was sick all day, I assume from a residual effect from her COVID. Booster  that we took on Tuesday. I don’t think she ate more than a couple of bites yesterday. No matter what I offered to fix for her, she didn’t want it. She slept almost all day and then she slept through the night too. I was concerned enough that I brought my work upstairs to the kitchen table so I could keep an eye on her. I am so glad she is feeling better today. Hopefully that’s the last of the dang COVID crap that we have to deal with. I have heard that one of the pharmacy companies is coming out with a pill alternative to the shot. Anybody want to argue that the Pharms aren’t making a killing off of this whole thing????  Yesterday I heard a news report that some company has developed an Anti Malaria. Malaria is a major killer in Africa, especially of young children. Tis would be a major breakthrough if it actually works. But the catch is that they reported that the vaccine was only about 30% effective and requires four shots. Next though for Ms. kate and me is the flu shot but I think maybe we’ll try to do that one early in the week next week to give her time to get over any after effects from it. Although, we usually don’t have a problem with flu shots. 

Since I didn’t get out of the house yesterday, I need to go to the churches today and run the bulletins etc. I also want to go to Gibson General Hospital and see a parishioner  that is there for physical therapy from his hip replacement. So, I guess I better get myself busy. 

Have a great day. Stay in touch with the Lord. When you do, you are never alone. Peace. 

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