Monday, October 4, 2021

 Hello Monday. It’s great to see you back again. You are a nice looking morning. It’s sunny and 65 degrees this morning. My weather app says it is going to rain around eleven this morning but I don’t see a sign of that at the moment. All I see is a blue and cloudless sky. I can deal with that. 

How was your weekend? Our’s was good. We had our normal excitement stuff, you know like mowing the lawn, doing the laundry and of course going to church. I am agitated about one thing though. My “backyard JD” won’t start. I just spent $300.00 having it taken to the dealership and a servicing done on it. I had told them that it didn’t want to run when they picked it. Well, they had it a couple of weeks and returned it and I used it. It started right up. But, then I didn’t mow for a couple of weeks back here in the back yard and when I try to start it, it turns over, but it just won’t start. I don’t know what the problem is of course because I know nothing about combustion engines or mechanics in general. I have a parishioner who works at a different John Deere dealership. I talked to his mom yesterday and asked if he could maybe stop by my house sometime and take a look at it. I won’t take it back to my original dealership. I’ve said before that I don’t trust them and their customer service totally sucks. But they are local. In the meantime, I can slide one of my fence panels to the side and drive my other JD into the backyard and do the mowing and mulching. It’s a total pain in the wazoo but it works. i think I may just leave that fence panel open for the meantime. I will have to close it if Julie brings the pups over but other than that, it is no big deal. 

Church services went well yesterday, We are back to our separate worship services again. I really appreciated the churches allowing me to go the extra month with combined services. With the anniversary celebration at St. Lucas, it worked out well. Yesterday was World-Wide- Communion Sunday and of course we celebrated communion. We are still doing altar communion and I really like that. I think some do and some don’t. I know it is harder for some of our more elderly congregation member  to walk down the aisle but so far no one has complained. And it keeps us in a COVID-free mindset. My home church is still just using the refilled cups and it is so hard to get those things open. But, they served a purpose and still do if people want to use them. 

Time to wrap this up. I’ve been back and forth to it too many times. Now, I need to move on to something else. Have a a wonderful week. God has opened up a new chapter in the history of the world yet again today. Do your part to make the best of it. Peace. 

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