Friday, October 1, 2021

Well, the morning is almost shot  It is 1130 already, and I just got down to my office downstairs. I was up early enough this morning to do a little more than I have but I tend to get distracted. I got my coffee and ent to the Sunporch and sat down. There were several cardinals a out there and I sat and watched them for awhile. The hummingbird is still jousting with the sweet bees for a position  or territory at the hummingbird feeders. The wrens showed up and they are always extremely cute to sit and watch and before you know, it, an hour or maybe two has gone by. 

Next, I decided to call my fellow pastor Al Schmitz. I caught him before he actually got too busy. He's a farmer and of course is in the middle of harvest; a harvest that is going extremely well for all of our local farmers by the way. But, Al was in the process of moving the combine from one field to another and has Blue Tooth connection on the machine so he can hands free talk. So we talked about our churches and how things are going in general. Al and his church have left the denomination over the liberal policies and practices of our denomination. Their explanation is that they did not leave the UCC, the UCC left them. I fully understand what he is saying. I feel it too but so far my parish is hanging in there, but if the denomination gets much more radical, well, ---- I just pray it doesn't. Unfortunately, I can see a path where the two churches decide they have had enough. But, Al and I had a great talk. Ms. Kate says I am worse than an old woman when I get to jabbering with a couple of my friends on the phone. LOL

Next it was time to shower and get cleaned up for the day and finally, I had to stop in the kitchen and divide that last piece of pie with Ms. Kate for breakfast. We had two bananas left too and I peeled one for each of us. They were perfectly ripe and ready to eat. So, I'm set until a mid or late afternoon lunch.

Yesterday we went to the churches and ran the bulletins and set the pulpits up for this Sunday. On the way up, we stopped at the local orchard and picked up a couple of bags of Golden Delicious apples so we can make a few more pies. Then on the way home we stopped at Dewig's Meat market and picked up a pork roast and some porkchops. I suspect I may be grilling some pork chops for supper this evening. I've been hungry for them. We have some sour-kraut left from the other night that would go good with the chops. I would say mashed potatoes but I want to wait and savor them with the pork-roast. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Sounds like we have Sunday dinner all planned. 

I also got my leaves raked in the back yard and got the front and back yard mowed. So now, I'm backed into the corner and I must make myself sit down and write a sermon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take time to stop, breathe deep, and give God thanks for another week of life and blessings. Peace. 

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