Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Good morning. As promised by our weather forecaster, it’s already another hot and muggy. I guess the good news is that it is better today than it is supposed to be tomorrow and Thursday. So, — it’s going to be another “inside day” and it’s hoping to be laundry day. I already have it carried out and Ms. kate will separate and start the first load shortly. I think my day will be spent downstairs on the computer working on my sermon. Or maybe, I’ll work on putting worship services together for the rest of the month of August. I have the first two weeks services planned and could go ahead and have that part done. The good part is that I would be ahead of the game as far as that is concerned but the other good part is that I could put of writing my sermon for another few hours. LOL 

I filled the bird-feeders yesterday and the Backyard Buffet is wide open. I’ve had a few visitors but not a lot s far. The word will spread throughout “bird world” though. Of course the squirrel was the first one back. But, he’s not sharing the news. He’ll eat for awhile and then go spread himself over a branch and try to keep cool. I had to hurry up and send in an order for some of my foods that I was out of. I love the fact that Wild Birds Unlimited has online ordering. And if I order $75.00 worth I get free shipping. Believe me, ordering $75.00 worth is no problem at all. My problem is usually trying to keep my order under $100.00. I have an expensive hobby but I think it is worth it. I get enjoyment and God’s creatures get a helping hand. 

I went out and picked tomatoes yesterday. I need to go back out and cut the okra too and check on the cucumbers. We may have to either make some tomato juice or can some tomatoes. The crop is that good. And there is enough okra to put some in the freezer too. Ms. Kate uses it in her vegetable soup. My mother used to make okra and tomatoes and I hated it because the okra was so slimy. But, I like fried okra and I like it in my vegetable soup. 

There is a feeder just outside my kitchen window that I keep there just for the wrens and the finches. They are regular customers there. But as I’m looking at it now, I see that I have to go out and pull the dang morning glory vines off of it again, Those dang morning glories are the Bain of my existence. 

That’s all for today. Stay inside and keep cool if you are able. Peace. 

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