Saturday, July 10, 2021

 There is an old saying that talks about a cow peeing on a flat rock. It refers to a heavy stream of rain. It is 0530 and that is what we have going on right now. There’s lots of thunder, some lightening and a lot of rain. This storm, according to radar will go another hour and a half. Streets are going to be flooded this morning for those folks heading to work. Thankfully it is Saturday morning and many folks are off for the weekend. But, I lift up a prayer for those that do have to be out in this. Turn around, don’t drown. The storm woke me up so I’m having my first coffee, talking to Lisa via FB Messenger and writing this. I’ll be back in my chair to continue my night’s sleep before long. 

My face doesn’t look terrible this morning; or not as bad as I thought it might look. I still have some swelling of course and bruising but I thought it might be really black and blue and swollen. It isn’t and there is no pain involved at this point. I had to take some Tylenol yesterday especially after the nerve block wore off of my face. Took two more last night before bed time and slept well. I’m sleeping in the recliner because I’m supposed to keep my hear above my heart and I don’t want to risk rubbing my stitches on a pillow and tearing something. Our recliners are comfortable if you don’t have to be in them too many days and nights. Two years ago, as you might recall, I spent about three months in my recliner with my leg injury and surgeries. So, this is nothing. Depending on how the day goes, I may be in it again tonight. I hope not, I need a restful night’s sleep before I conduct my church service tomorrow. 

The yard needs mowing, especially the back yard. But with the rain and my surgery, that isn’t happening till next week. I got a call from the John Deere dealer and it is going to cost my around $350.00 for the servicing and repairs to my mower. If it comes back running well, it’s a great deal; a lot cheaper than a new one. We passed a house yesterday where a guy had a small JD tractor. It had all of the attachments on it; a front-end loader, a mower deck under the tractor, a back-hoe on the rear. I was jealous for a moment or so. I think that would be really fun to use. But, you don’t something like that for a 14,000 sq ft yard. I’ve seen that model on John Deere commercials and it always looks like fun. I’ll bet it cost at least $25 grand with all of those attachments. 

Well, the storm seems to have subsided. I don’t hear any more thunder and I think maybe the rain has stopped for awhile. I’m going to crawl back into my recliner, put a cold washcloth on my eyes and maybe snooze. Have a blessed morning. Peace. 

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