Thursday, January 14, 2021

 The sound of the clanging and banging and motor running our on the street told me the garbage dudes are here and that means it is Thursday morning. And sure enough, when I looked out to the street, the can was empty and waiting for me to bring it back up to the house. The good news is that it is a bright and sun day to go out there to get it. It’s currently 39 but it is going up to 52 today which is “wahooo” weather. LOL

I haven’t got a lot of stuff this morning to talk about. Well, the US House of Representatives did impeach president Trump —— again. But that’s not even news anymore. The Democrat party’s hate for our president has no limit. He has six days until the inauguration of the new president and they intend to make every day as miserable for him as they have for the last four years. What a shame and how embarrassing for this country. But that is what happens when the people elect a guy that is not a career politician, is not interested in “playing the political corruption game” and calls them all out for what they are. His mantra was that he was going to “drain the swamp’. Unfortunately, the alligators have been biting at his ass every single day and have finally driven him out of the swamp. I look at all of the new appointee’s that the President Elect is appointing and it is the same tired old corrupt people that have been there for years and done nothing except make themselves very rich. 

Ms. Kate and I are now scheduled for our COVID 19 vaccine shots. We called yesterday and got on the schedule for next Tuesday evening. This is shot #1. We’ll have to go for our follow-up shot probably three or four weeks later. I’m glad to be getting it. Just yesterday the state of Indiana opened up the eligibility for those of us that are 70 and over. There seems to be a nation-wide problem of distributing the vaccine. And now that it is available, people are hesitant to take it. Well, we’ve had COVID and don’t want it again. We’ll take the darn shots. 

I had a good ride on the recumbent bike yesterday; I did 8.3 miles. I wasn’t overly smart about doing it though. I did my ride with my house slippers on and they don’t have  hard sole. So, it was almost like riding in just my socks. Today the bottom of my feet are a bit sore. I’ve learned to not do that again and will put on shoes with a hard sole on them when I ride. But, what the heck. Onen is never to old to learn or to make silly mistakes. 

That’s it for today. Time for me to change keyboards and start working at my desk and get my sermon written. You go have yourself a blessed day and enjoy the sunshine. Peace. 

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