Wednesday, January 20, 2021

 There isn’t a cloud in the sky; all I see is infinite blue and sunshine, and that makes me happy, although the thermometer says 31. Brrrrr. 

Today is Inauguration Day for President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. President Trump has already landed in Florida to return to civilian status. Personally I want to thank him for all he tried to do for this nation. The Democrats fought him every step of the way because he was not one of them and could not be corrupted. He promised to “drain the swamp” but the alligators ate his ass. Did I like him as a person? I never met him but he did some things that I would not have done. I do believe that his motives were honorable and he was true to his mantra; “Make American Great Again.” I believe he is  a man with a “frontier American” spirit, and I believe that too much of our society no longer has an appreciation for that kind of thinking. I pray for him and his family who have suffered so much hatred for the past four years and yet have stood their ground and continued to work for the people. 

Now we have a new president; a man who is a professional politician. He has been in government for 47 years with zero record of accomplishment except to become a multimillionaire on a government salary. His Vice President was picked because she is bi-racial and a female. Her only claim to fame is that she became Attorney General of California through a sex scandal and then was elected a senator. 

But, they are now the President and Vice President of this nation. I will not protest the nor riot against them. I will shudder and grimace at many of their changes they say they are going to make because I personally believe they are immoral people. So far President Biden has announced a number of his cabinet picks and agency heads and it would appear that he has a list “kinds” of people that he wants to put into positions and is staying far away from anybody that is a “white, Christian male, with old American values.” President Ronald Reagan and John Wayne thinking has no place in the new administration. It is , of course, all in the name of “including all Americans”. Even his dog is a rescue because he is so against oppression. (BTW, I love rescue dogs.) 

But as I said, they are the new administration that has been placed into office to led this country. I will not hate them; I will pray for them. I will pray that this country can come together and unite once again and get one with leading the world. I pray that God will calm the anger that is a dark cloud hanging over the country. I pray that neighbors will one another as neighbors to rely on and not people to avoid because of skin colors or politics. I pray for peace in the world and I pray that we can lift one another up rather than constantly looking for ways to tear one another down. 

And I pray for you. Have a blessed day. Peace. 

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