Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Very cloudy, and windy with a fifteen mile an hour wind greet me this morning as I come out to the sun porch with my coffee and settle into my recliner. I have selected The Talley Trio as my morning devotional music this morning. Nothing like a little toe tapping Gospel music to get the Holy Spirit up and flowing though ones body and soul in the morning. I must admit it is a bit distracting though because I tend to stop and listen and humm along. But then, I reckon that is the good part. It puts my heart and mind where it should be.

I had one disappointment yesterday. I told you that I had Safelite come and replace my windshield late last week. I had not driven it since. Yesterday morning I went out and was going to drive it down to get a haircut. The windshield was wet because it had rained so I tried to use the wipers and they won’t work. Obviously the technician did something wrong in the installation. So, I got on the phone and called them. Well, first of all, I never did speak to a human being. Everything was automated. I hate that; —- but it worked, and I now have another appointment to sit and wait for four hours waiting for them to come and fix whatever the problem is. At least I found out that the windshield was installed correctly since I didn’t have any water in the truck that had leaked through.

I did get out and get my haircut yesterday after I finished with fooling around with the truck issue. Then Ms. Kate and I went to lunch at the Hilltop Inn. We were hungry for fried chicken and the Hilltop does a pretty good job. There are better places to get it but they weren’t open yet for the day. We like Popeye’s Chicken too but their “sides” are pretty blah. Hilltop does one of the better jobs of fixing baked potatoes. Of course if I wanted really wonderful fried chicken, I would have gone to the butcher shop and bought a chicken and asked Ms. Kate to fry it. She does the best job I know of. Her mom was the same way.

I just had a blurb pop up on my IPad that the was another school shooting, this time down in Kentucky. They are reporting one dead, multiple people wounded and the shooter is in custody. What in the world is wrong with people??? What demons are in a person’s head that make them think the only answer to their anger is to go shoot as many people as they can?? I pray for God’s presence in this situation. Sigh..

Count your blessings my friends. Join me in prayer this morning for the victims ad families of this tragedy. And pray too for the mind and should of the shooter. He or she is walking through a mental personal hell at the moment. Peace.

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