Tuesday, May 16, 2023

 The morning run to the oncology clinic is done and we’re back home already. Today, instead of going out for breakfast after the treatment, we went to Parlor Doughnuts and picked up a half dozen and brought them home. It has been a rainy day that sometimes comes hard and heavy and other times is a sprinkle; but I didn’t want us to have to stop and get out in the rain to go in to a restaurant. At the clinic, I can pull up under the portico and drop her off so she doesn’t get wet. We’ve been rotating our restaurant places for breakfast after her appointment. So far, we’ve done Friendship Diner twice, Sunrise Cafe, and now Parlor. I think tomorrow we will run on up to Nellies in Newburgh because we will be leaving the clinic a bit later. She has a doctor’s visit after the radiation. 

I’m sitting at my kitchen table looking through the windows and I can see that a squirrel has  flat out honked off the Mockingbirds. They have a nest in the azealia bushes in front of the windows and the squirrel has made the mistake of getting close. As we were coming home the Mockingbird was chasing the squirrel across the years. Now, sitting here. I have seen that happen a couple of more times. I don’t like to go out there right now because it dive-bombs me. I remember as a kid, seeing the mockingbirds drive the cats crazy out there in the yard. It was a hoot to watch. 

I’m also watching a couple of wrens fly in and out of the second azealia bush a lot. They must have a nest in there too. The other day I open up my little garden tool shed and had three wrens come flying out of there at me. Looks like there are a lot of critters around here that are “twitterpated”. 

Since it is supposed to rain today, I won’t be outside working for sure. I guess it will be a computer and writing day. After while I’ll go sit in my sunporch recliner, listen to it rain, and do what comes naturally. I hope your day can be a relaxing as that. Peace. 

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